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  • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
    4 years ago

    Nothing infuriates me more than some well meaning liberal being like "Here's this serious topic" such as indigenious peoples day or gay rights and then end it with "go vote". Your bourgeoisie candidate is not gonna do shit about any of this, lmao. Biden does not give 2 shits about gay and/or indigenous people and unless the whole senate drops dead of covid (🤞) the Supreme Court is already gonna be 6-3 conservative before I'll even be able to cast a ballot.

    Also extra fun when the person lecturing you about how biden will save gay rights has been in opposite gendered relationships their whole life and lives in Canada. (this person could be bi tbf, and while bi erasure/discrimination is real, it's not like this person's gay related rights are in any danger in any way. Unlike me, a bi/pan person who lives in the united states, is gay married, and also doesn't have my nonbinary gender federally recognized)

    And the person who posted to VOTE on indigenous peoples day voted for fucking Warren in the primary lmao.

    Like why the fuck would I take these peoples vote shamey arguments seriously if they have no skin in the game and it feels like they just want to use vulnerable people as a political football? If you're really on my side, why aren't you doing more to help me than telling me to cast a vote and then leaving me alone for 4 years?

    Like fucking fuck off with this disingenuous shit. If you want to help gay rights in america, PayPal some rocks to some radical stonewall queers. If you want to help indigenous people, maybe actually fucking listen to the tribe(s) near you and send them COVID relief or help with climate action. I guaranfuckingtee which white man will be colonizing the white house in january will not make a lick of difference to them, especially compared with actual direct action. Just, please just fucking stop using people in pain as tokens and then discarding us after. We can tell you don't actually care because you only talk about this every 4 years and don't actually ever DO anything.