truly a wretched degradation from its past glory

  • SexUnderSocialism [she/her]
    3 months ago

    Criticizing Cornell West isn't the issue here. It's them attacking third party candidates, using the same framing that you'd hear from your typical lib, while simultaneously pushing the Dem candidate.

    Among those facilitating this nefarious outcome in the U.S.A. are three presidential candidates smugly professing to be anti-fascist and progressive, even socialist: Jill Stein, M.D, of the Green Party; Claudia de la Cruz, M.A., of the Party for Socialism and Liberation; and Cornel Ronald West, Ph.D, of the newly-hatched Justice for All Party. None has a snowball’s chance in hell of garnering, either individually or collectively, anywhere near 5% of the vote in any state, let alone winning; but each can and will dilute the vote for the only viable anti-MAGA candidate, Kamala Harris


      3 months ago

      A surefire way to identify unserious people is the attention they give to institutional credentials when they are not directly relevant. Even then, I've come to suspect them when it is relatively relevant. They better serve divisions of people into classes rather than to display one's expertise on a subject. Just ask anyone with a boss with a PhD.