We are committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, nationality, or other similar characteristic.

We will exclude you from interaction if you insult, demean or harass anyone. That is not welcome behavior. In particular, we don’t tolerate behavior that excludes people in socially marginalized groups.

This 'struggle session' has cut open a sore of cisnormativity which allows plausible deniability of transphobic action and thought. It's senseless and insensitive to push back against what should be a non-issue. Cis and trans alike, set your pronouns so as to normalize an aspect of trans inclusion that goes some way to dispel cishet patriarchal norms assumed default by almost every space, especially online.

There is no excuse (that hasn't been considered and discussed and where applicable, taken on board) to push back against this as we as a community have. We can (and should) do better.

    • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Does the website have a way to measure "controversy" besides downvotes? Because I'm gonna get pissed as hell if I found out people were downvoting trans-related threads out of knee-jerk reactionary bullshit. Fuck outta here with that shit. The internet is full of sewage tanks to stew in if you wanna be a shithead. Go back to one of them and don't come back.

      • the_river_cass [she/her]
        4 years ago

        peep the header for this thread. it's been consistently 25% downvotes (and hundreds of upvotes on threads taking the opposite position)

        • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
          4 years ago

          I worked nine and a half hours today so my energy levels were low but now I've got the rage high. This fucking site isn't reddit, if you have objections say them so we can discuss them like adults. Hiding behind downvotes is shithead behavior. Kindly knock that shit off. (I am not directing this at you, @the_river_cass )

          • the_river_cass [she/her]
            4 years ago

            ohhh they did that too. yesterday was an exhausting day. so many people spouting ignorant and transphobic things (including some I thought were comrades). many people who insisted that neopronouns are only valid if justified to them personally. and a good healthy dose of "your feelings aren't valid" as a nice rotten cherry on that shit cake.

            • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
              4 years ago

              That is disappointing as hell. I stopped talking with, I dunno what you call them, a trans-medicalist? Sorry I'm cis so I'm not sure what the term is so I'll give the definition: they were phobic of non-binary trans people. And the kicker? They were trans. So fucking offputting. Such a toxic fucking stance to take. And this was years after they had done a lot of the other sorts of things non-binary people do, and people who are questioning their sexuality or gender identity. Cut that asshole out of my life and never looked back. It was "fuck you got mine" but from a trans person who claimed to be a communist.

              • the_river_cass [she/her]
                4 years ago

                yeah, that's their term for it now. I still call them truscum. trans transphobes is what they are.

                • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
                  4 years ago

                  Now that you mention it, I have heard the term "truscum" before I just forgot about it. I'll try to remember that going forward. It has a nice ring to it, and if it offends someone, good, they are offensive and deserve to be offended.