Other examples include Ridley Scott's 1979 science fiction horror film: Immigrant

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    3 months ago

    Star Police Actions

    Moderate Women

    Ubermensch (Superman) come to think of it it's really something that people keep trying to deconstruct Superman when Superman was two Jewish guys spitting on the concept of the Ubermensch by creating a super-man who was unfailingly moral and wanted nothing more than to help people.

    Re: Immigrant - Jenette Goldstein, Vasquez' actress, did apparently show up to the reading dressed as a farm worker. The story of how she ended up as Vasquez is some good reading about representation, race, and acting. Makeup was used to make Jenette's skin darker, which would be awful in most circumstances, but I've read accounts from Latinas who found Jenette's badass portrayal of Vasquez inspiring and have no qualms about it. It's a good illustration of how context and intent matter. Jenette also portray's John Connor's foster mom in Terminator II.

    Here's an article from feminist frequency that's sort of a survey on the complexity of Vazquez and ethnicity in Hollywood.


    • Bobson_Dugnutt [he/him]
      3 months ago

      There's also a good interview with her on the podcast I Was There Too: https://www.earwolf.com/episode/iwtt-classic-aliens-t2-titanic-with-jenette-goldstein-2/

    • Cutecity [he/him]
      3 months ago

      Nice, thanks I remember her from T2. Btw still haven't guessed those 2 at the top

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        3 months ago

        Star Wars, cause Vietnam wasn't a war it was a "police action"

        And Little Women - Moderate Women.