anakin-padme-2 It's because Covid is going away, right? Herd immunity is working?



The World Health Organization (WHO) today published a new report on tuberculosis revealing that approximately 8.2 million people were newly diagnosed with TB in 2023 – the highest number recorded since WHO began global TB monitoring in 1995. This represents a notable increase from 7.5 million reported in 2022, placing TB again as the leading infectious disease killer in 2023, surpassing COVID-19

There is plenty of evidence covid attacks the immune system, and reactivated TB is common with people who have AIDS. Could all just be a wierd coincidence and TB just does that sometimes.

Related: TB cases in Scotland rise by 40% in 'largest annual increase' observed to date

  • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
    4 months ago

    The date of the article. I've been watching for updated Tuberculosis news since. I mean, it coulda gone down, right? doomer