Because I recently had to crumple up a cracKKKa who wandered into this community, uhh, let me be clear:


Thank you. With that aside, welcome to this week's featured EM POC thread.

How are all my comrades doing?


  • frauddogg [they/them, null/void]
    4 months ago

    Whenever the audacity of global caucacity starts getting to me (read: right now, these past two weeks have been insufferable), I just stop and wonder. "How much fewer shitty redditor takes would I have to read in this day and age if John Brown was allowed to hole-punch more slave-exploiting crackers?"

    Like, how many lineages with shitty, rotten fruit would've been pruned at the branch if Brown's plans went off without a hitch, and he took that rebellion on a colonial tour? Puts a smile on my face to think about, tbh.