Because I recently had to crumple up a cracKKKa who wandered into this community, uhh, let me be clear:


Thank you. With that aside, welcome to this week's featured EM POC thread.

How are all my comrades doing?


  • Rania 🇩🇿
    4 months ago

    randomly remembered my first interaction with an American, was during the first Trump presidency, I was in some game's clan, I barely spoke English and didn't know much about the U.S., a person in the clan said they were American and I instantly replied with something in the idea of "Trump bootlicking evil doer living in inequaly" it was a whole rant but I think I talked about Iraq and how the rich waste money on coke in the same country people die homeless, I got kicked and I stopped playing that game.

    Edit: my mom was talking to me and referred to MLK.Jr and Malcolm x as "those guys who did Jihad for Black people to have rights" because she forgot their names

    • frauddogg [they/them, null/void]
      4 months ago

      "those guys who did Jihad for Black people to have rights"

      That's the most based way I've ever heard the Civil Rights Movement described; let your mother know she's adored for that one

    • Angel [any]
      4 months ago

      I'm a huge fan of TGWDJFBPTHR thought

    • Lemmygradwontallowme [he/him, comrade/them]
      4 months ago

      Edit: my mom was talking to me and referred to MLK.Jr and Malcolm x as "those guys who did Jihad for Black people to have {civil} rights" because she forgot their names

      Yeah, seems about right

      randomly remembered my first interaction with an American, was during the first Trump presidency, I was in some game's clan, I barely spoke English and didn't know much about the U.S., a person in the clan said they were American and I instantly replied with something in the idea of "Trump bootlicking evil doer living in inequaly"

      European SSocdems do kinda be like that, before they fully realized that EU's interests is linked with NATO

      Makes me wonder: How were you politically, before?

    • Caruna [he/him]
      4 months ago

      It took me a minute to realize that black jihad was supposed to be a bad thing

  • Angel [any]
    4 months ago

    CracKKKers realize that being a part of one marginalized group does not absolve you of your mayo tendencies challenge IMPOSSIBLE

  • asante [comrade/them]
    4 months ago
    US election, racism

    aannndd they've already started blaming arabs and immigrants for "losing the election"

  • GaveUp [she/her]M
    4 months ago

    Curious if any other trans people share this sentiment with me but the whole trans thing ended up being a lot less big of a deal than I thought

    It's infinitely easier for me to find cis people who are cool with me being trans than Americans who aren't weird about me being a minority

    • Angel [any]
      4 months ago

      Due to the nature of intersectionality, I feel as if discrimination against my blackness and my transness are already usually meshed together as one thing anyway. Sometimes, it just seems like one side of the two is emphasized far more than the other, but ultimately, to answer your question to the best of my ability: I'm generally far more comfortable hanging out with black cishet people than I am doing so with white trans/queer people.

      • sweet_pecan [love/loves, they/them]M
        4 months ago

        : I'm generally far more comfortable hanging out with black cishet people than I am doing so with white trans/queer people.


      • mango [any]
        4 months ago

        White trans / queer people stop obsessing over my race and tokenizening me in the most ignorant way possible challenge... I feel you so much

    • Al_Sham [she/her]
      4 months ago

      I have less attachment to being transgender. I don't really think of myself like that much. I'm just a woman and I'd like to be treated as one by the people around me. I have very little in common with almost every other trans person I have met in real life.


    • sneak100
      4 months ago

      deleted by creator

  • Blockocheese [any]
    4 months ago

    White women shut up about the Handmaids tale challenge

  • Blockocheese [any]
    4 months ago

    White queers fantasizing about how this will be worse for them than the actual genocide they've been ignoring

    • Angel [any]
      4 months ago

      White queers should just ignore Trump the same way they ignore intersectionality. It's that easy!

      • Blockocheese [any]
        4 months ago

        One randomly decided to lie to me today and said "thousands of people have committed suicide" since the election.

        I looked it up in front of them and then they changed it to "it might have been attempts" then "the hotlines were overwhelmed"

        They literally get off on this shit, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have been murdered and they don't care but just make shit up about how they're being oppressed when trump isn't even president yet???

        • Lemmygradwontallowme [he/him, comrade/them]
          4 months ago

          They literally get off on this shit, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have been murdered and they don't care but just make shit up about how they're being oppressed when trump isn't even president yet???

          It's like fetish or coping mechanism to them...

        • frauddogg [they/them, null/void]
          4 months ago

          Even if thousands of crackers necked themselves over Donald J. Trump, the same kind of white man they've ALWAYS been ruled by, it wouldn't make up for a drop of Palestinian blood shed. Settler blood is staggeringly-high in quantity and so far below sea level in value that if we strapped a camera to it, we'd finally find out what was at the hadopelagic depths; you could bleed every cracker in Amerika and it wouldn't even start making up for it.

        • mango [any]
          4 months ago

          Brown people genuinely aren't human to them and there's no way to get that idea into their heads. Wild

          • Blockocheese [any]
            4 months ago

            I'd force people to read Orientalism at gun point if I could

  • Rania 🇩🇿
    4 months ago

    I have never participated in a war but I'm 100% convinced it's not that hard to not accidentally shoot civilians, Amerikkkan movies make it seem like children and unarmed civilians will be running towards your iron site, not even explosive stuff or strikes, it's not hard to like not fire a school full of children. the way I see it is manufacturing consent to war crimes, a war criminal admits to killing kids but has to act like he didn't enjoy it.

    • sneak100
      4 months ago

      deleted by creator

    • Rojo27 [he/him]
      4 months ago

      I haven't watched it because I'd feel sick if I did, but this is pretty much what American Sniper is. If not maybe even worse since there's a scene where it justifies it.

      • Caruna [he/him]
        4 months ago

        I really enjoyed the ending of that movie

  • Blockocheese [any]
    4 months ago

    White people love using terms they don't know the meaning of


    • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
      4 months ago

      Liberals love to regurgitate leftist words so they can appear """"enlightened, engaged, and informed"""" or whatever the fuck. The amount of times I've seen some libshit kkkkracker call someone a reactionary after getting called that themselves would make me rich. They love using mental health terminology, too.

    • Kolibri [she/her]
      4 months ago

      I hate this country. If it not with the blame it's other ones like I saw some takes where some are like "enjoy deportation" and like what the fuck. I would like to see those shitheads go tell that to me or my dad or grandma.

      like here


      • sneak100
        4 months ago

        deleted by creator

          • sneak100
            4 months ago

            deleted by creator

      • Caruna [he/him]
        4 months ago

        At least they know that this is awful. Because in the end, thats the important thing.

        Maybe racism is more about the friends which you make along the way

    • Rojo27 [he/him]
      4 months ago

      White liberals are mad because their candidate who campaigned on offering nothing lost. Good riddance and fuck all of the liberals who are going to be doing this shit for 4 yearspackwatch

      • vegeta1 [none/use name]
        4 months ago

        200k likes. Every rotten thing be it lib or chud on there gets the most likes

      • vegeta1 [none/use name]
        4 months ago
        1. First time since bush they'll lose the popular vote they lashing out. The state of them.
  • frauddogg [they/them, null/void]
    4 months ago

    Whenever the audacity of global caucacity starts getting to me (read: right now, these past two weeks have been insufferable), I just stop and wonder. "How much fewer shitty redditor takes would I have to read in this day and age if John Brown was allowed to hole-punch more slave-exploiting crackers?"

    Like, how many lineages with shitty, rotten fruit would've been pruned at the branch if Brown's plans went off without a hitch, and he took that rebellion on a colonial tour? Puts a smile on my face to think about, tbh.

  • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
    4 months ago

    Just remember for those blaming minorities and gen z: both demographics came out in big numbers to the blm protests and vote against Trump. The numbers show that Trump didn’t really win any new converts. Majority just stayed home and the only demographics to vote for Trump as a majority were white men/women.

    You can bet which one is going to have articles giving them a lot more sympathy.

    • Angel [any]
      4 months ago

      I literally saw a post that showed Trump voter stats for race and gender, but they were completely separate, and white people and men as groups were roughly the same percentage, but this liberal white woman commented on the post, "Wow, men are not okay" or something to that effect. This is just reinforcing the theory that many Western white feminists do not care about ending oppression; they just want patriarchy to stop inconveniencing them personally. They'll side with white supremacy if given the chance.

      And, of course, there's this. This is not a first-time thing for me.

      This is why I often have a lot of hard time trusting mainstream feminists or even get wary when I see any "anti-male" stuff. On the surface, to a non-intersectional, close-minded cracKKKer who has never thought critically about feminism in their life, complaining about men collectively just comes off as women innocuously exercising their very much justified frustration with patriarchy, which isn't false in many cases. However, such rhetoric has harmed men of color in particular, and trans people do get negatively impacted by the bioessentialist implications that sometimes are hidden within these kinds of complaints.

      Most Hexbears not being aware of the fact that this sentiment has been used in racist ways isn't a shock to me because Hexbear absolutely can be mayo as fuck, but with how many trans users we have, I'm surprised at how many people on this site act like this kind of rhetoric is never used to hurt trans people. And by that, I mean, no, it doesn't only hurt trans people in the case of mask-off Rowlingesque TERF rhetoric; mainstream liberal feminism is plagued with this shit too. I think I just found it easier to notice because, as a transfem of color, the reactionary stick of imperial feminists beats me twice as hard.

      • Caruna [he/him]
        4 months ago

        It does seem very convenient to now have a "valid" reason to see me as dangerous rather than just because I'm brown

  • homhom9000 [she/her]
    4 months ago

    I still love my people but they have lost their damn minds after Tuesday. Saying no one is there for us so they won't be there for anybody else. I asked them, what have you done for people ? Crickets. Nevermind we had fantastic protest turnout in 2020 nevermind there is a literal genocide happening to another group that I know they're ignoring. Anyway, we're not free unless we're all free

    • frauddogg [they/them, null/void]
      4 months ago

      I still love my people but they have lost their damn minds after Tuesday.

      Some skinfolk just aren't and never will be kinfolk. They wanna be crackers so bad, I say let 'em try-- every single one will be dashed on Render's Rock. "Even if you make seven figures, you still a..."

  • FailedAtAdulting [she/her, comrade/them]
    4 months ago

    Ain't gonna lie, after seeing all that crap blaming minorities for Trump being elected, I want every crakkker, lib or chud, to bow down to EVERY minority in this fucking universe before we chuck em in the pit when revolution comes. And when I say bow, I mean forehead touching the floor, kissing the feet of everyone they blamed, and then some. They've been smug and arrogant about shit they know nothing about for waaay too long and it's about time somebody put them in their place.

    They're gonna be bowing for hours like that concentration camp guard being forced to play the piano before barbara-pit