If, for example, you are at checking out at Home Depot and they ask you “would you like to round up your total to the nearest dollar to benefit x__________ charity” DONT do it. They are taking that money and donating it in their name and using that donation to be tax exempt.

If you feel so inclined, donate it personally and help hold these mega corporations accountable for what little taxes they do have to pay.

  • margaretsnatcher2020 [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    a walmart cashier lady chewed me out once "because you over here in a dayummm SUIT talmbout donating just a five spot (slang for $5)?!!!" she doesn't know i just wear a suit jacket because my office liked to save money on heat and my suit was 5 years old purchased in 2013 for $200 canadian which is $10 american