Plot: Chuck Levine (Adam Sandler) and Larry Valentine (Kevin James) are firefighters and true-blue buddies. When Larry, a widower, learns he cannot name his children as beneficiaries on his life insurance policy, he needs a big favor from Chuck: Sign on as Larry's domestic partner. The pals unexpectedly become front-page news and must carry the masquerade to extremes when an overzealous bureaucrat becomes suspicious of their true relationship.
Title: I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry
Plot: Chuck Levine (Adam Sandler) and Larry Valentine (Kevin James) are firefighters and true-blue buddies. When Larry, a widower, learns he cannot name his children as beneficiaries on his life insurance policy, he needs a big favor from Chuck: Sign on as Larry's domestic partner. The pals unexpectedly become front-page news and must carry the masquerade to extremes when an overzealous bureaucrat becomes suspicious of their true relationship.
Change it to Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly, and baby, you've got a stew going.
damn for a second i thought this was an actual movie from like 2012
edit: this is a real movie from 2007