This is just a running laugh track of FBI bullshit. They found a Nazi, set him up with literally everything he needed to do a bomb attack from start to finish, then "caught" him the day before the election.

Also, note where our man Merrick says how they found out about this guy - "Confidential Human Sources". Not spooky spyware or anything, dude just told someone who snitched. Nobody talks, everybody walks.

I salute our brave secret police and their ongoing campaign to catch guys they convinced to do terror plots in the first place. At least this time they actually picked a Nazi instead of a socially isolated mentally ill kid or something.


  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    3 months ago

    Also very funny that they waited until the weapon was activated, armed, and ready to fly. Like, guys, what was the plan if your patsy did a few modifications while your back was turned and set it up for GPS nav or something? Are you absolutely sure he was using your hopefully fake payload and not some other payload?

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        3 months ago

        Getting to the sting and being like

        "gee, guys, it was really great for you to provide me with all the plans, weapons, training, ideas, and actually writing my manifesto for me, but i don't think this is what I really want".

        Then just walking away...


        Until your buddies jump out of the bushes with cameras and confetti and strobe lights and shit and you turn around and you're like "PRANKED!" hahahaha you're on tiktok bro it was all a prank! and then you high five all the FBI guys hten you and your buddies and the FBI blow up a federal building together.

        • ZWQbpkzl [none/use name]
          3 months ago

          If you tried to back out at the last minute still knick you for agreeing to the plan at some point. The FBI will arrest people who refused to participate but still glanced at some map.

            • ZWQbpkzl [none/use name]
              3 months ago

              FBI informants are not federal agents. They're normal citizens getting paid by the feds to gaslight you into doing terrorism. Filming an informant being a cook is meaningless.

  • AcidSmiley [she/her]
    3 months ago

    Also, note where our man Merrick says how they found out about this guy - "Confidential Human Sources".

    Fash have incredibly shitty opsec, as you'd expect from orgs where you can literally say "i'm a cop btw" and they immediately go bootlicker

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      3 months ago

      I read a book about the IRA that hammered on this. The cells where no one ever talked, ever, to anyone, survived and were able to operate effectively. The cells where anyone talked about operations died.

      Most of the cells that did survive were made up of close family members or friend groups that had been tight knit for decades.

      • imogen_underscore [it/its, she/her]
        3 months ago

        they were quite good at... discouraging informing too, lol

        edit found a great clip I had been searching for for a while: Adams is far from a great guy but have to love the candor lol

        • Frank [he/him, he/him]
          3 months ago

          Bandit Country. First published in '99, two years after Good Friday. Sounds like it just got a new edition this year.

      • hungrybread [comrade/them]
        3 months ago

        The cells where no one ever talked, ever, to anyone, survived and were able to operate effectively.

        How does that work in practice?

        • Frank [he/him, he/him]
          3 months ago

          It mostly doesn't and sooner or later your cell gets discovered, infiltrated, and you're imprisoned or killed.

          But that's part of the wager you make when you sign up. You wager that you can do a little good before the fash capture or kill you. No one gets out of life alive.

          Maintaining real operational secrecy is extremely difficult. It's not telling your partner where you go late at night for days at a time, and it's also your partner not asking and never talking about your strange schedule and covering for you when they must and coming up with a cover that is believed and doesn't raise questions. It's the same with your kids, or, really, it's getting far away from your kids because the enemy will use them against you. It's getting orders from someone you'll never meet, whose name you don't know, and carrying those orders out to the best of your ability, and when you do get compromised it's keeping your code words and recognition signs firmly between your teeth for as long as you can while they torture you because every minute you hold out is another minute the network can pack up and run and cover it's tracks. It's knowing that one of your own might put a bullet between your eyes some day because someone up in Intel thinks you're compromised, and accepting that as part of the job.

          There's a reason that resistance forces tend to die 10:1 or 100:1 in favor of the occupiers. It's a very dirty business and death is the expected outcome for you and for most of your comrades. And it likely won't be a good or clean death.

          Sometimes the best thing you can do is not get involved in the first place if you know that's not the kind of fighter you are, if you know you couldn't keep it together, keep your mouth shut. There's lots of jobs that need to be done and most of them aren't the very exciting ones. It's important, as much as you can, to kill any pride that says you need to prove yourself or do more than you're able or take on tasks you aren't suited for. Killing that pride, accepting your limits, understanding that you're part of a big, long process of history going all the way back 15,000 years to the inventing of agriculture, that's important. And sometimes there's no choice so you do a job you're no way suited for until it destroys you.

          And I'm not necessarily talking about exciting big news stories. The enemy doesn't care if you're doing international terrorism or consciousness raising sessions. They've got lots of money to spread around and if they think you're a threat they'll come down on you no matter how preposterous it sounds. There's that story right now, the Jewish scholar in the UK who got picked up at a rally for Palestine and he's up on terrorism offenses for stating the plain truth.

          You do the best you can, for as long as you can, and when you go down you try not to take your comrades with you. And hopefully, some day, it'll have been enough. z

          For instance no one on Hexbear should be doing anything too exciting. We're international, we're in contact with official state enemies. The servers are hosted in France while the membership is all over the anglosphere and beyond. The enemy can legally scrape and analyze everything that happens on Hexbear and they likely are, even if it's at a low level that's handled by bots and algorithms. We're all already compromised to some degree in that we're going to be in the enemy's databases. So if they're running network analysis on an activist and one of us is in that activist's phone or socials they'll get flagged as a potential tankie. Or they won't, we really don't know a great deal about how the intelligence services really function. As mentioned in this article the feds were able to set this guy up to get caught on the eve of the election because someone snitched on him.

          If this all sounds a bit doomer try to remember that we're waging a wildly asymmetrical struggle. The fash have enormous resources, lots of expertise, and the help of a deeply, deeply indoctrinated culture that views us as the enemy even when we're just sitting around shitposting. But they're not invincible. The US feds kind of famously hate dealing with Anarchists because there's no structure to infiltrate, there's no way to bribe people because everyone's poor and immediately suspicious of anyone who flashes money around, and even if they turn someone there's no leadership to infiltrate! And the fash fuck up all the time, they're just dorks like everyone else, they're not hyper-competent super spies. They make mistakes, they get trapped by their own brainworms, they fall asleep on the job.

          We're in this for hte very long haul. As long as there are people who want to be free there's hope.

  • Coca_Cola_but_Commie [he/him]
    3 months ago

    Philippi talked about operational security, including the need for disguises, the use of leather gloves (because latex and nitrile gloves can transfer fingerprints), wearing shoes that are too big, the need to burn their clothes after the attack, and not bringing smartphones on the night of the attack.

    On Nov. 2, 2024, Philippi participated in a Nordic ritual, which included reciting a Nordic prayer and discussing the Norse god Odin. Philippi told the UCEs that “this is where the New Age begins” and that it was “time to do something big” that would be remembered “in the annals of history.”

    Imagining this guy wearing Groucho Marx glasses with clown shoes, leather gloves on his hands, while reenacting the bear warrior ritual scene from The Northman.

  • vegeta1 [none/use name]
    3 months ago

    Earlier this year another white supremacist woman also tried to destroy a power grid in Baltimore

    • toys_are_back_in_town [comrade/them, she/her]
      3 months ago

      what is it with these people and blowing up the power system, did they hear Lenin's "Communism is Soviet Power + Electrification of the Whole Country" and get real confused?

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        3 months ago

        Edit: Wait I just got the joke that's good I like that

        Original post follows;

        Nah, the US grid is actually incredibly fragile, like to the point where it's hard to believe how bad it is and how vulnerable it is to very inexpensive, simple attacks. There's lots of reading on it and it's full of statements like "Attacking these seven substations would bring down the power grid of the eastern seaboard for weeks". Just wild, wild, how the fuck is hardening the grid against attack and general failure not an S+ tier national security issue?

        Here's kind of where it started. Back in '13 someone shot up a power substation in California and brought this all in to public awareness (and by "public" I mean the feds, the fash, and the tankies. I doubt anyone else knows or cares).

        This country really is hanging by a damn thread. There's so many of these critical security problems that aren't really being addressed, with new ones emerging all the time.

          • Frank [he/him, he/him]
            3 months ago

            Pretty sure everyone does at this point. It's been all over the net for almost a decade now and there have been several reasonably high-profile attack attempts by Nazis over the years.


            All the cool kids are working on cruise missile systems that you can shove in to a standard shipping container and launch remotely. Slap a few of those on to a giant container ship, get it to the coast, drop the US grid before anyone can react? Who knows, anything is possible in Hellworld.

      • AcidSmiley [she/her]
        3 months ago

        They like to fantasize about societal collapse to kick off a race war, and many of them have gotten it into their heads that a nationwide blackout is a good way to achieve this end. There's been similar plans among German Reichsbürger cells in recent years.

            • Frank [he/him, he/him]
              3 months ago

              Later we find out that the Fascists were secretly promoting liberalism the whole time (I know I know) because all their simulations showed that if they did an acceleration collapse thing everyone would come togehter and build FALGSC by the following tuesday.

          • AcidSmiley [she/her]
            3 months ago

            It's the German version of sovereign citizens. They believe the exact same shit down to "the state is actually a corporation" and their MO is largely the same as well.

      • D61 [any]
        3 months ago

        Real "Fight Club" mindset there.

  • EllenKelly [comrade/them]
    3 months ago

    A complaint is merely an allegation. The defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.


  • SevenSkalls [he/him]
    3 months ago

    Why do white supremacists always take on the Nordic or viking aesthetic? There's so many flavors of cracker. I guess there's sometimes German, too, if they want to go full Nazi, but I see the viking shit more often these days.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      3 months ago

      That's where a lot of it initially came from. Like, the proto-Nazis basically invented the modern conception of Vikings back in the late 1800s. And Vikings went most places white Europeans did so any lmayo can claim them. Part of the reason they've stuck with it might be vikings having an acceptably modern aesthetic. Men wore trousers, women wore dresses. Go too far in either direction you've got men wearing dresses again. But a lot of it just htat when Euros needed to make up a past for themselves so they could pretend that nation states were real the Nazis and English and Scandanavians all kind of picked "vikings" to be their thing so there's a lot of lore and stuff b ehind it.

      Oh part of it is also that fash thing that "vikings" weren't Christian (read Jewish) and that pre-Christian norse paganism was a cool good manly religion unlike soft Jewish bad Christianity, so that's a big factor in it. You see plenty of htem fixate on the Crusades, Teutonic Knights, or Charlemagne, or Rome, or whatever.

      Honestly it's mostly just incoherent tosh. I imagine a lot of them just imprint on to whatever their first fascist fake history youtube channel is and go from there.

  • Tom742 [they/them, any]
    3 months ago

    More and more convinced that McVeigh was set up and trained by the FBI and they intended to catch him before the act, just like this, only they fucked up really really bad

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      3 months ago

      Idk. There's a couple of critical things that let McVeigh do what he was doing. The OKC bombing was a major factor in what lead to Ammonia Nitrate fertilizer becoming strictly tracked and regulated in the US. He had knowledge of how to do what he did going in, he didn't need someone to teach him. Everything was a lot more fast and loose in the 90s. This was before the internet as we know it, before 2001 lead to the creation of fusion intelligence centers to share info from the local level up to the feds, before a lot of innovations.

      A lot of these things are either created by or compromised by the feds, but it's also important that a small group of people who can maintain strict secrecy can be extremely hard to track or stop. There weren't really any whatsapp chats or twitter threads for McVeigh to say stupid shit on. The telcos weren't GPS tracking the movements of everyone's phones. The US alphabet soup had much more primitive resources than they do not.

      Could they have been involved? certainly. But I think it's very plausible and likely that McVeigh had the knowledge and means to carry it off himself.

      • Tom742 [they/them, any]
        3 months ago

        After reading Aberration in the Heartland of the real I was just left more confused than ever. There was significant prior evidence of bombing threats to the Murrah building, bomb sweeps had been done prior to April 19th and emergency police services were dispatched about 90 minutes prior to the bombing, corroborated by eye witness testimony both civilian and emergency service personnel. Plus a ton of stuff in that book that I’m sure I don’t remember.

        I don’t think he necessarily needed any training, but I do think some 3 letter agency was significantly involved

        • Frank [he/him, he/him]
          3 months ago

          So, the thing with America is that there's so many spies, assassins, mobsters, genocide guys, secret police, gusano terrorists, space aliens, and Kennedy's floating around that often when something does go down, especially at a federal building, there will be like hundreds of super sus people within a one mile radius.

          Again, that doesn't mean it wasn't a TLA. But if you start looking for coincidences with every sketchy government and police and terrorist group in American you'll always find lots and lots of them. It's very much a correlation is not causation thing.

          • Tom742 [they/them, any]
            3 months ago

            I would definitely agree with that. In McVeighs case it seems like he had tertiary involvement with weapon runners for the intelligence community which had significant overlap with the right wing gun show and white supremacy crowds. You can draw spiderweb connections all over, but they don’t amount to much more than interesting connections and coincidences.

            I don’t invest myself in these much more than letting my imagination get some exercise, it’s my equivalent of lore nerding

            • Frank [he/him, he/him]
              3 months ago

              It really is amazing how much... idk what you'd even call the lore, but wow there is so much of it.

    • mechwarrior2 [he/him]
      3 months ago

      • Tom742 [they/them, any]
        3 months ago

        This article is basically a primer for Aberration in the Heartland of the Real. McVeigh connects like a spiders web across 1990’s conspiracies. He’s like the forest gump of conspiracy theories.

        • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
          3 months ago

          This article is basically a primer for Aberration in the Heartland of the Real.

          That book portrays McVeigh as some proto-channer. It's wild how he was just the gen x 90s version of some dude who browses /b/.