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  • AnarchoCummunist [he/him]
    4 months ago

    I voted for her even as an anarchist. I figured it took no effort to do so, and maybe, just maybe he'd go away for good. But make no allusions, I called this nightmare scenario back in 2020.

    With Joe, you got Blue Trump and perhaps 4 more years after, and a potential 8 if "Pence" ran afterwards. Had no idea they'd turn on him too, I didn't have that bingo card.

    But it's simple math. Let him have his 8, and try again in '24. But no, we had his 4, plus a blue version of the same for 4, now we get a potential 12 plus Supreme Court for life. I was hoping for at least Congress to not turn. Nope. Not that either.

    We are going to have a fucking awful 2 years here, and MAYBE there's backlash in the midterms, IF THAT EVEN EXISTS.

    Constitution is toast. This is it. Not even 250 years for this empire to fall. It's not just bad. This is the worst case scenario for the world, in so far as before nukes start flying.

    I swore off the DNC after Bernie. They Lucy-footballed me hope-wise, but I knew damn well "nothing would significantly change". I mean, FFS, I come here enough, I ain't blind. But there were literally no choices. And I actually liked Tim Walz. But now Libs are gonna demonize him despite his rhetoric actually working and being effective, and they're going to schelack Shapiro's asshole.

    And don't even get be started on the Zionists.

    I'm really worried, fam. My wife is a Colombian immigrant and looks it, despite being here for 25 years and becoming a citizen. I'm not sure that's gonna matter now. And I'm Puerto Rican, born here, look white, but I got a giant anarchy symbol and hammer sickle on my car. And who did they come for first? Yeah, us.

    Project 2025 will destroy this country. Hopefully we can build something better in the ashes.