A comrade here proposed a theory that chud are easier to radicalize than libs so i decided to create this poll to get some actual data instead of speculating so that we may form an accurate theory

  • Khoryphos [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I was a Sargon of Akkad atheist dipshit in middle school. In high school I graduated to liberalism but it took at least three years for that "women be talking hurr durr" to fully extinguish within me. Then I saw Castro, Mao, and Che posters in my 12th grade English class and I was like "hmmm who are these fascinating characters?" That then led me to Chapo. My teacher even taped a photo of Lenin on the outside of the classroom door. I asked him about at the end of the semester and he flatly told me he was a ML.

    • crime [she/her, any]
      4 years ago

      My teacher let me hang up pictures of young Stalin in her classroom in high school, never asked much about her ideology but by the end of the year Che and young Mao had joined him. The wall of revolutionary baes laughs at the volcel vanguard. Hornyposting irl is praxis I guess.

      • Khoryphos [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I'll always remember that I owe my radicalization to my senior year English teacher's acting career not taking off. Looking back something tells me it was what radicalized him too.

      • Khoryphos [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Massachusetts. Nobody really cared, but he had Gandhi, Einstein, and some others up there that made it discrete. The Lenin photo was def ballsy tho.