A comrade here proposed a theory that chud are easier to radicalize than libs so i decided to create this poll to get some actual data instead of speculating so that we may form an accurate theory

  • Torenico [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I can't identify myself with anything on the list, before I became a Commie I was a Kirchnerist/Peronist, Social Justice good but NEVER changing the basic fundations of Capitalism, in other words, I was in support of exploitation by Capital (even though I had NO IDEA that Capitalism was exploitative).

    A bit after I was going through reactionary-militant atheist route, my conversion to a "Fascist-lite" was still in its infancy when I made a clearly Islamophobic comment in a group chat years ago and a good friend of mine confronted me. That left a mark and I started to talk more with this guy about Communism, as he is a Communist himself (Well, actually some sort of Anarchist but the point is that he is anti-Capitalist). And yes, Red Army Choir played a HUGE role in my radicalization, the aesthetics of Communism came before Theory in my case. Also TYT, Kyle Kulinski and Jimmy Dore, among others, further pushed me to the left (with varying degrees of course). Today I'm even involved in organizing, I assist, whenever possible, our local Socialist Party (Trotskyst) because Left Unity good.