• Redcuban1959 [any]
    4 months ago

    Isn't that tied into they have the rights to manufacture the Genesis in Brazil, and import fees make other consoles super fucking expensive?

    TecToy used to be Sega representative in Brazil. They used to translate games in Brazilian Portuguese (very rare during the 90's) and make some games/hack roms about popular Latino movie/comic/series characters like Monica (Popular Brazilian Comic series that started during the 1960's about kids going in adventures, even have a Manga version) and El Chavo/El Chapulin Colorado (Mexican comedy Superhero, very popular all over Latin America). I think they were pretty much Sega of Brazil during this time (I believe nintendo simply didn't give a shit about Brazil so it was a huge market for Sega and eventually Sony), and went on as far as give support for the dreamcast (theres a popular 2000's copypasta about the guy in Brazil who really "liked" his dreamcast and asked tectoy for help after he spilled some suspecious thing into his dreamcast lol.)

    I think they still release these cheap NES and Mastersystem/MegaDrive clones in South America to this day, mostly retrogamers buy these nowadays, since you can easily find and buy PS2, Gamecube and original Xbox in any eletronics selling place. I never heard about the Zeebo so no idea wtf is that. Nowadays it seems like videogames got cheaper (or the 1980 - 1990's Gamer culture in Brazil are now all old and have jobs), enough for games to be dubbed and adapted for the Brazilian markets.