Keep it light plz. For example, I am terrible terrible bowler. Just absolutely piss poor even compared to equally casual people, any time there's been some kinda get together involving bowling I have come in last by a huge huge margin. I need the bumpers. I can bowl a perfect game in wii sports tho.

FPS games as well, not really a fan and have never ever been able to hack it at them. After graphics got good enough I didn't find the perspective disorienting team sticks became the norm and I'm left handed so that was a weird thing to adjust to for me and by then it was 360 era CoD time and I wanted nothing to do with it and would just die 4 seconds into each spawn anyway.

  • ratboy [they/them]
    2 months ago

    Skateboarding. I tried learning how to Ollie for like an entire summer in highschool. I don't think I got the board off the ground once agony-wholesome

    • LigOleTiberal [he/him]
      2 months ago

      it's so hard!

      try surfing, it's like skating but without the concrete. much better.

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      2 months ago

      Ollies are hard as hell. I was pretty good at skating when I was younger and did it more and I couldn't really Ollie 2 months in either, I learned some freestyle tricks on the side as well as bonelesses and some other non Ollie based things and just did some cruising around, I ollied later but has better board control and more tricks than my friends at the same time cause I wasn't just grinding out ollied until I got mad. I wouldn't get too down about it in general, skateboarding is really really really difficult, easily the hardest thing I've ever been decent at.