• TomBombadil [he/him, she/her]
    4 months ago

    Libs are totally incapable of reasoned thought. Like they where already materially annexing the West bank. Killing people there. Building and reinforcing settlements. You even had government officials saying as much. But what now they're saying it 10% more publicly/mainstream outlets are reporting on it... So it's more bad now. Anyway how much more harm reduction do you think Biden will send to Israel before he leaves office?

    • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
      4 months ago

      B-b-but Biden’s been calling for a ceasefire!

      The only bad things are what people say, not their actions. This is worse than under Biden because now it’s being reported more publicly. Trump is worse than Biden because he openly calls for the destruction of Gaza while Biden says the word ceasefire. smuglord

      Hot take: Saying good things while doing bad things is actually worse than saying bad things while doing bad things. I am more afraid of the fox than the wolf. I’d rather deal with the guy that says “shoot them all” than the guy that says “ceasefire!” but shoots them all anyway.