The doomer vanguard has arrived, let’s create some positive vibes.

  • sappho [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Is this your first time taking LSD for depression? My first dose saved my life a few years ago. I was planning my suicide because nothing else had worked, and that trip straight up cured me for nine months. Happiest time of my life. Since then I've used psilocybin with the Johns Hopkins method - eyes covered, listening to this playlist - and I would really recommend it.

    • Jorick [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Yea, I've been planning to do it under the night sky, in a zone with no light pollution, just so I can have the most memorable moments of my life. I'll take a look to that playlist, I had mine, but it never hurts to see what the man himself listened to. Thanks a lot comrade.