If you scraped as much as you could from posts, you could start piecing it together
The timezone they post in, the kind of work they do, the kind of local politicians/issues they seem to care about, whether they own a house or rent
So say A/B/C -- X/Y/Z is a male, unmarried trust fund manager aged 35-45 who lives in Charlottesville based on posts. You've gone through years of their posts, so you're pretty sure it's not an elaborate persona. There are only so many names that start with A/B/C, and there are only so many of the first names that are attached to last names that start with X/Y/Z.
Last digit of the home address is just one more piece of data to pull it all together. Insane amount of effort? Yeah. Could be done, though.
It's not too hard, we doxx ourselves on here constantly. The anonymity here is more of a personal anonymity, not an actual anonymity. Like someone would really want to have to find out who you are to go through your post history and piece it all together, especially if there aren't any photos of you online/no real social media profiles.
If you scraped as much as you could from posts, you could start piecing it together
The timezone they post in, the kind of work they do, the kind of local politicians/issues they seem to care about, whether they own a house or rent
So say A/B/C -- X/Y/Z is a male, unmarried trust fund manager aged 35-45 who lives in Charlottesville based on posts. You've gone through years of their posts, so you're pretty sure it's not an elaborate persona. There are only so many names that start with A/B/C, and there are only so many of the first names that are attached to last names that start with X/Y/Z.
Last digit of the home address is just one more piece of data to pull it all together. Insane amount of effort? Yeah. Could be done, though.
It's not too hard, we doxx ourselves on here constantly. The anonymity here is more of a personal anonymity, not an actual anonymity. Like someone would really want to have to find out who you are to go through your post history and piece it all together, especially if there aren't any photos of you online/no real social media profiles.