2016, when Islamic terrorism was still the big bad and western media was praising France for their anti-terror re-education program. this shit sounds a lot creepier than vocational training, too. nothing from Adrian Zenz about France though, curious!

  • Yun [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Yeah looking up articles on the French camps, at a high level they seem to follow the same general idea except for the "patriotic duties" part and the fact that the Xinjiang program puts a heavy emphasis on "vocational training" whereas I didn't find any such emphasis with the French camps (they mention that learning trades is part of the program but that's about it).

    I suspect the lower level details would be where the main differences are but couldn't really find anything in depth on what the French plan was.


    Found this https://www.lexpress.fr/actualite/societe/centre-de-deradicalisation-en-indre-et-loire-poudre-aux-yeux-ou-projet-novateur_1830505.html

    Réveil tous les matins à 6h45, port d'uniforme obligatoire: un pour le sport, un pour la vie du centre, un pour les sorties, et lever de drapeau pour réapprendre les symboles de la République. Se succéderont des cours de religion, histoire, philosophie, éducation aux médias, culture générale... Côté divertissement, les pensionnaires pourront suivre des ateliers de vélo, musique, poterie et même de capoeira ou slam.

    They get up at 6:45am and raise the flag every morning (I guess this is what was meant by "patriotic duties"), then get schooling in religion, history, philosophy, media studies, and culture. Outside of schooling, they can participate in various workshops (cycling, music, pottery, caoeira, slam poetry etc.)

    Doesn't mention anything about jobs though.