something for you libs who still believe in electoralism

  • Awoo [she/her]
    4 years ago

    They're not really "arguments" though. They're attacks.

    The entire video is designed in such a way that it isn't intended to convince anyone, it's just intended to create maximum white noise on the internet by pissing off the people she's turned into a caricature and talked down to as children the entire time.

    The only people it will appeal to are the people that agree with it. Everyone she attacks in the video is supposed to be maximum-triggered so they share the video as much as possible and it gets discussed angrily far and wide.

    Nothing about it is intended to actually convince anyone it is reaching out to. Nobody that is presented as Tabi-chan is going to be happy and convinced by this presentation. She has no intention of helping the election and every intention of just grifting off of it. It is made in such a way that a bunch of libs in a bubble can huff their own farts and scoff at one another.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Tabi makes frequent appearances? I'll be honest I've only watched maybe 7 or 8 of her major big videos before deciding I really don't like or support her and none of them included Tabi. That just makes it even worse to be honest, a long running grift with no actual intention of reaching out to the people she's criticising, just pandering to liberals. It's no wonder her entire audience is this synthetic left liberal with leftist aesthetics shit...

        These people are all just "woke liberalism" translated leftwards to wear leftist aesthetics because being a leftist is now the "woke" thing. They don't actually agree with or want anything leftist but want to appear like good and woke people so they wear leftist apparel. Synthetic left.

        • ComradeMikey [he/him]
          4 years ago

          it used to be more of a socratic dialogue where tabi provided valid criticism to the liberal justine or fascist (I forgot her name). it could almost be taken charitably then or written off as a tongue in cheek meme. Now its a straw man which is unfortunate

          • Awoo [she/her]
            4 years ago

            It's so terribly obvious that she utterly hates Tabi. She does not disguise her loathing one bit.

            • ComradeMikey [he/him]
              4 years ago

              agreed, i gave her a pass when justine was supposed to be a character not just her own opinion stand in