the anarchist symbol on his sleeve lmfao.

i love being trans 🤮🔫

  • PartyMonster [they/them,any]
    4 years ago

    Hi. You can use trans or transgender if refering to the concept. Otherwise just use man or woman based on the gender that person identifies as.

    Some of us are intentionally gender queer and identify with multiple genders or even none. This is deliberate because either we don't feel like we fully belong to a single gender or reject the concept since it is a social construct based in opression.

    If you're not sure about a person's pronouns, offer yours first. "Hi my name is gonxkilluaotp and my pronouns are he/him. Nice to meet you."

    It takes guts to admit you don't know something. Thanks for wanting to learn.

    • gonxkilluaotp [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Thank you for sharing. Trying to figure out what pronouns to use is extremely difficult for me so that additional tip is useful.

      • PartyMonster [they/them,any]
        4 years ago

        I get it. If you’re cis, then you haven’t had to think about pronouns much if at all since they just assigned them to you at birth and happened to fit you enough you didn’t notice.

        When you’re trans, you have to remove a false gender and shift into the one you really identify with. Some people have always known their true gender, some of us just know what we had didn’t work.

        That’s why we give so much of a fuck about things like pronoun tags on a website. We live this shit every day.

        Edit: trying to make my comment more general. Take this as just my experience.