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  • glimmer_twin [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Anyone want to try and build a list of fucked up shit the US has done to muslims/MENA countries?

    • 70+ year propping up of the Israeli apartheid state, dispossessing and killing countless Palestinians
    • 1953 overthrow of Iranian government resulting in decades of repression
    • Operation Desert Storm, featuring such war crimes as the Highway of Death
    • ringleader of worldwide sanctions for decades on Iraq and Iran resulting in untold human suffering and death
    • funding of endless sectarian violence across the Arab world
    • twenty year indefinite occupation of Afghanistan, killing thousands
    • invasion and occupation of Iraq, utterly destroying one of the largest states in the Arab world and killing a million people, leading to the rise of ISIS and incalculable human suffering
    • transformation of Libya from the most successful nation on the continent of Africa to a failed state hellscape
    • decades of extraordinary rendition and torture of thousands of people, whose crime usually turned out to be “being Muslim in the wrong place at the wrong time”

    Anybody got stuff to add?

    • skeletorsass [she/her]
      4 years ago

      They also provided significant aid and directions for a hideous-scale politicide in the world's most populous Muslim country (Indonesia), though that wasn't about being Muslim, but rather about being on the left.

      • glimmer_twin [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Ya, I was thinking about adding that. I mean, half the shit on my list was done in the name of “stopping the commies”