• JoeySteel [comrade/them]
    4 years ago


    Poles are the hardest cringe zoners in all of the cringe zone.

    After they "escaped Soviet dictatorship" their nationalists rewrote history and told the world how "the USSR and Nazi Germany jointly invaded Poland and that's how World War 2 started".

    All the while forgetting to mention that the land the USSR marched up to was Belarussian, Lithuanian (they even stole the capital of Lithuania) and Ukrainian until Poland invaded the USSR in 1920 and stole loads of Soviet territory then enacted a policy of apartheid to "polonise the areas" against the Belarussians, Ukrainians and Lithuanians by treating them like 2nd class citizens, banning their languages and generally treating them like shit

    Despite the obvious contradiction in what the nationalist Polish say (and the rest of the cringe zone regarding the USSR invasion of Poland) - would they rather Hitler have marched up Russias borders and gained the entire territory of Poland to enslave and work in death camps?

    Conveniently forgetting also they were a fascist dictatorship under Pilzudski and if you took Nazi Germany off the map in the interwar period Poland would've been the most anti-Semitic country on the planet.

    Also forgetting that they partook in the carving up of Czeochoslovakia and stole a piece of Czechoslovakia back when USSR was trying to organise collective security against Nazi Germany. (Hint: France, UK and Poland sabotaged collective security because they hated communists and were hoping Hitler would stick to his Meincampf promise to invade the USSR for the Ukraine and Lebensraum)

    And now Poland, having worked so hard for their victim status to finally, finally get into the cringe zone and what have they achieved?

    Their i ndustries were annexed by the West to be rinsed as a pool of cheap labour (there's no industry now so they're forced to leave), they signed a humiliating surrender agreement with the US which makes them more of a vassal state than the Soviet agreement ever did, they got rid of the much vaunted "democracy" they were apparently lusting after in the West (as we were told and not just the riches), declared themselves LGBT free zones and to sum it off they've revived their pre WW2 Anti-Semitic traditions of having effigies of jews beaten with sticks by their children in the streets

    If there's a country that has worked as hard as Poland to deserve it's place in the Cringe Zone more let me know