Also, weird how Ukraine only had 10k losses according to western media, but is suddenly running out of people to recruit. Could it be that western media's been lying all along. 🤔

    1 year ago

    In a way I want to laugh, but then I remember that the way they got these men to recruit wasn't by will; they forcibly kidnapped them off the streets.

    • KiG
      1 year ago

      Considering many who willingly joined were indoctrinated by fascist propaganda since they were teens/children...

        1 year ago

        It's been 19 years since the first open west-backed coup in Ukraine. Just enough time to raise a new generation of fighting men, fed exclusively CIA propaganda from the cradle.

    • Black
      1 year ago

      They should be slavering at the jowls to contribute a rifle to the cause, shouldn't they? Where'd all that hooyah go?

      • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Even the most bloodthirsty Western chauvinist will think twice before putting their own lives on the line. The NAFO dogs have probably all read the reports of US and UK spec ops veterans nopeing the fuck out once they realized Russia has artillery and aviation. The shitposters can put on a facade of nonchalance very easily from behind a keyboard, but it's much harder to do that with Russian jets flying overhead.

    1 year ago

    When workshopping slogans, it played out better than "Are you willing to die for the United States?" or "Time to just get it over with".
    I think the runner up was going to be "Zerg Rush!" but Blizzard wouldn't allow it, the Putin propagandaists.

    Seriously though, I feel like having a recruitment slogan is just window dressing. People are being pressed into service and I just feel bad for them, anyone being dragged into war now are definitely not people that deserve what is going to happen to them. These are largely not the fascists and war tourists who would deserve it, these are the regular citizens who just want to live their lives and have to suffer for their leadership.

  • KiG
    1 year ago

    All the West does is we see the "human wave tactics" they accused the Soviets of nearly a century ago...

      1 year ago

      Given the way colonial soldiers have been used by Britain in WW1? It's always been projection.

      "Those dirty Asiatics are breaching Nazi lines left and right? Blunting offensives of glorious western Teutonics?! Dang, they must be using insane amounts of cannon fodder! No way they have sensible strategies and tools to execute them!"

        1 year ago

        “Those dirty Asiatics are breaching Nazi lines left and right? Blunting offensives of glorious western Teutonics?! Dang, they must be using insane amounts of cannon fodder! No way they have sensible strategies and tools to execute them!”

        And then they order such operations as at Dieppe and Monte Cassino. Especially the last place is fucking telling everything where white commanders just ordered brown soldiers to attack unscouted heavily fortified positions, and when they ran out of bodies they send the honorary white polish soldiers and when Poles succeeded they were surprised as fuck.

          1 year ago

          when they ran out of bodies they send the honorary white polish soldiers

          The more things change....

          Although that does make me wonder if the deluge of articles decrying how AFU "is switching back to Soviet tactics" is an attempt to disguise who told them to bumrush fortified positions in the first place. Could it be the vaunted NATO instructors? Nah, must be those dang commies!

            1 year ago

            Yeah. I don't think i have to explain to you the rhetorics that gets the "communists, pink postsocialists, homo sovieticus" etc blamed for every single fault of the postsocialist countries which would be capitalist paradises today if just the unwashed locals were obeying the divine messengers of the west (except it's exactly what they do).

            So of course the incoming lose in the war will be blamed by west and local compradors on the insufficient "decommunisation" of Ukraine.

    • Black
      1 year ago

      Speaking of nearly a century ago, what the fuck was the Siege of Normandy if not the Allies deploying human waves against a fortified beachhead?

    1 year ago

    Idk, chief. We've had articles about Ukraine "running out of men" for almost as long as we had articles about Russia "running out of missiles". The fights are still going and going hard

    • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I too am in the "I'll believe it when I see it" camp on articles predicting an imminent end to the war. But you can make more missiles a lot faster than you can make more people.