I never thought I'd have to say this, but what the fuck guys ?

Now, I hate my government, its colonial past and so on, and advocate for structural change that would affect those of African and Arabic descent who get to suffer because of our past, because I'm a communist and not some fucking lib. Only through economic prosperity will crime and terrorism disappear, alongside the use of the opium of the people. And regarding the current situation, I think the projecting of caricatures is useless to fight terrorism, and is at best some useless pandering. But holy fucking shit, some of the answers I have seen in that thread. You aren't fucking meant to side with a segment of the population who think their RELIGION should prevail over the right of millions to say or do whatever the fuck they please, ESPECIALLY against religion. Religion has been a tool that kept the proletariat in check for centuries, through which monarchs were legitimized; and simply should become irrelevant, or even better, dissolved in a socialist revolution (forcefully or not). Organized cults are no different than sects; and when these cults demand political power, you start having to make concessions to these groups, officially or not. And here's a fucking reminder, because I need to be clear : they are NOT on your fucking side.

At best, religious """moderates""" will try to gain influence in day to day politics, and tbh, I'm ok with stuff like religious holidays or mosquees. What I'm not ok with is when these assholes openly want Sharia to prevail over the actual law, as flawed and capitalist it may be.


That's a nearly a fucking third of the muslim population. But lets keep going, shall we ? These people, as you might understand, are not your friends, because to them, if you're atheist, agnostic, LGBT or whatever, well guess what ? You get the fucking sword, because that's in the Quran. But be thankful you're in your home country, and not in theirs, you're only going to get insulted and beaten if you don't fit in their fanatical worldview.


Her name is Julia, and she was assaulted. And then one month later, she was assaulted again. It also goes without saying, those guys were not punished for the most part. Furthermore, it doesn't fucking matter which religion their aggressors believe in (hint : it's Islam in this case), this fucking religion draws them to insult and beat others, especially LGBT folks nowadays. But as I said, this isn't limited to Islam, France has a massive Jewish lobby and a HUGE fucking far-right catholic movement. And guess what, if it wasn't clear to you before, then I'm going to say it once again. They. Are. Not. Your. Friends.

The best thing China has done in regard of religion was to impose state atheism. In the same vein, destroying Tibet's religious semi-feudal system and creating economic opportunity is fucking based, same goes for Xinjiang. I can only hope France does the same thing, because unless there's a massive development of liberation theology in all organized religions, they shouldn't get to exist in the 21th century.