It is a strange experience to read Vaptsarov today as the revolutionary movement is receding and resurgent capital is capturing the imagination of one and all. Born on 7 December in 1909, he belonged to the interwar generation where brilliant minds sought to inherit the mantle of revolutionaries of bygone eras and to integrate themselves with the surge of revolutionary working class and peasant movements. He built upon the legacy of Hristov Botev the Bulgarian nationalist poet of the 19th century and that of Gorky and Mayakovsky. He was not alone in this and had his peers in England in David Guest or Caudwell, Lorca in Spain or Hikmet in Turkey, Brecht in Germany and Faiz in India among others. Those were the times when the ideals of Socialism and revolutionary transformation had caught the imagination of the sensitive and humanist intelligentsia. Vaptsarov was one of them and yet stood out in some respects. He stood out in this galaxy of revolutionary intellectuals perhaps because he was himself a worker and experienced the meaning of being a proletarian at first hand.
One of the Bulgarian authors I mentioned is Nikola Vapcarov