I guess I missed the part of the video where the owner of the blurred out feet gets into frame and shows her CPC card and two forms of ID. You're just uncritically repeating crazy rightwing bullshit and demanding proof it isn't true
So you are telling me that this random white ass woman is a Chinese citizen that happens to be intel agent too. What are the odds? I will tell you: the odds is that there are more probabilities that this is a normal American woman, than a Chinese "agent".
And yeah, as someone that lives in China and has experience with this country, I feel very confident in my assertions. I know much more than a reactionary tinfoil hat sinophobe. Fuck off with your Yellow peril and Red scare propaganda.
I know for a fact that you don't know how to read. Do you know what "probability" means? What I can tell you almost for sure is that she is not a Chinese woman nor an agent.
Btw: I know your reading comprehension is really bad, so will remind you that I wrote "almost for sure".
you didn't see the evidence of the video?
I guess I missed the part of the video where the owner of the blurred out feet gets into frame and shows her CPC card and two forms of ID. You're just uncritically repeating crazy rightwing bullshit and demanding proof it isn't true
wait, who has the best access to this information?
was it the CPC or the Chinese nationalist traitors who exfiltrated & stored this info against the Bidens?
She is not even Asian, so unless China has found a way to grow white people in vats, I doubt she is an agent
now you know the person's nationality? what is it?
So you are telling me that this random white ass woman is a Chinese citizen that happens to be intel agent too. What are the odds? I will tell you: the odds is that there are more probabilities that this is a normal American woman, than a Chinese "agent".
And yeah, as someone that lives in China and has experience with this country, I feel very confident in my assertions. I know much more than a reactionary tinfoil hat sinophobe. Fuck off with your Yellow peril and Red scare propaganda.
wait, so you know for a fact it's an American woman... how?
I know for a fact that you don't know how to read. Do you know what "probability" means? What I can tell you almost for sure is that she is not a Chinese woman nor an agent.
Btw: I know your reading comprehension is really bad, so will remind you that I wrote "almost for sure".
Is "almost for sure" an exact measure of statistical "probability"?