Get ready for countries like the US to "take on the responsibility" of altering the world's climate and fucking it even further.

How anyone can think that our world will not severely fuck "geoengineering" the planet is insane.

  • LangdonAlger [any]
    4 years ago

    Yes, consciousness choices would do immeasurable (the bad kind of immeasurable) benefit to the planet, but the system of capitalism will kill to uphold the consumptive system. Until consumer choices include the option to choose to abolish capitalism, the climate cannot be saved

    • Corbyn [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Until consumer choices include the option to choose to abolish capitalism, the climate cannot be saved

      The choice is to consume significantly less.

      • communistthrowaway69 [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        The pollution happens during production, not consumption, you fucking idiot.

        If you think you can shift supply by changing individual demand, you don't fucking understand capitalism. And you've just fully deep throated bourgeois propaganda.

        The entire point of it is to control production. They're not going to stop because you don't want their stuff. Literally entire wars are started solely to "open up markets" to push products onto. Entire infrastructure systems have been destroyed solely to bolster the need to consume products.

        They're currently running airline flights that are fucking empty, one of the most polluting things we do, just to make sure the routes still work.

        If we all magically stopped consuming, then a hyper consumer class would gobble to the rest. Or they'd force you to at gunpoint, basically.

        The idea that you have individual choice in capitalism is just part of its hegemony. Without completely restructuring the entire global economy, your "individual responsibility" means dick.

        • Corbyn [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          They’re not going to stop because you don’t want their stuff.

          No, they won't, but that isn't an excuse for unsustainable consumption. If you make the decision to be more wasteful than you could be, then you are to blame too. Most people in the west could easily reduce their consumption and many choose not to. I don't know why you want to defend selfishness.

          Without completely restructuring the entire global economy

          That should be the goal.

          • 1van5 [he/him]
            4 years ago

            There's no ethical consumption under capitalism

            • Corbyn [none/use name]
              4 years ago

              There are different degrees of exploitation. This was about luxuries and wastefulness though.

          • PaulWall [he/him]
            4 years ago

            you aren’t being more wasteful than you need to be if you buy a ticket for a plane that would’ve ran empty either way. you aren’t increasing pollution in anyway by participating in the plane trip bc it would took place with or without passengers as we have seen in corona

            • Corbyn [none/use name]
              4 years ago

              Unpopular and not lucrative routes get cut all the time. Covid is an exception because of governments bailing out airlines and rules that required airlines to have some flights to keep their spots.

              Those were few flights, the overall flights dropped more than ever before:

              • PaulWall [he/him]
                4 years ago

                on how many fronts are you defending this individualist, reactionary take now? last night when i started this sub-thread it was just contra-me. but now comrades too have stepped in to help and you still can’t see the err in your theory.

                • Corbyn [none/use name]
                  4 years ago

                  on how many fronts are you defending this individualist, reactionary take now?

                  Only two right now. And it is as individualist as saying that murdering (done by an individual) is bad and deserves blame.

                  but now comrades too have stepped in to help and you still can’t see the err in your theory.

                  You making an argument based on wrong numbers, while the reality proves me right, is not helping. One person wasting less is one person wasting less. Because of overproduction it would make no difference, but my argument is that this does not justify participation in absurd consumerism. That is literal all I have said. I want all the regulations and governments seriously fighting the destruction of the planet over, or in addition to, individual action. We only differ in that I put blame on individuals as I see them as more as victims of capitalism and advertisement.

                  • PaulWall [he/him]
                    4 years ago

                    you put blame on individuals because you see them as victims of capitalism? do you put blame on rape victims too?

                    perhaps put the blame on not the victim but the attacker