genuinely curious what ya'll think, i apologize in advance for the struggle session this might start lmao

  • Rev [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Why would it have been less prepared though? If the collectivisation started earlier and the officer corps didn't get purged the Soviets would have had a stronger and more capable military at the start of the war.

    Trotsky did mostly sabotage himself and his prospects by overplaying his hand but positing Stalin as some genius organizer is counterfactual, what with all the lack of coordination and missteps that plagued the Soviet industrialisation drive in the 30s. Stalin did have great political instincts and savvy manoeuvring going for him (as well as yes, being a committed communist), which ultimately is of significant importance to making a political career. Look no further than all the subsequent general secretaries for a lesson of how social networking, precisely timed intrigue/treachery and the ability to use happy accidents were instrumental in propelling certain individuals over (sometimes much more capable) others.