It's amazing, like clockwork, ya'll always bring up the fact that people get to go home on weekends. IIRC, the article you once posted to prove that didn't actually prove it. But the real point is: who gives a shit? How does allowing people to leave on weekends salvage the project and somehow make it not islamophobic to take people who haven't a crime out of their homes because they are "radicalized" or "susceptible to radicalization" (and who decides that, I wonder)?
Cool, so for you Gitmo is too far, China's policy is a-okay... you must therefore believe European classes for recent Muslim immigrants are not enough, then? The people in those classes only have to go like once a week, seems too lenient given that there have been a number of terrorist attacks in Europe.
See, I think all of these programs are bad. Makes it easier for me.
I'm sure you're not a reactionary, you just made a reactionary post. The people's moderation requires that I point that out.
See, I think all of these programs are bad. Makes it easier for me.
then you'll be happy to hear China's training program ended last December,
utopians still obsessed with liberal notions of individual "freedom" would do nothing while international capital foments massive separatist violence, balkanizes the country, and put all of Xinjiang into exploitation by compradors who open it to markets— but the hands you're sitting on are sparkling clean, and isn't that more important?
"The top 1% control 30% of the wealth in China, but trust me guys, it's actually existing socialism. Jack Ma is gonna achieve communism by 2080. Trust me guys."
It's amazing, like clockwork, ya'll always bring up the fact that people get to go home on weekends. IIRC, the article you once posted to prove that didn't actually prove it. But the real point is: who gives a shit? How does allowing people to leave on weekends salvage the project and somehow make it not islamophobic to take people who haven't a crime out of their homes because they are "radicalized" or "susceptible to radicalization" (and who decides that, I wonder)?
Cool, so for you Gitmo is too far, China's policy is a-okay... you must therefore believe European classes for recent Muslim immigrants are not enough, then? The people in those classes only have to go like once a week, seems too lenient given that there have been a number of terrorist attacks in Europe.
See, I think all of these programs are bad. Makes it easier for me.
I'm sure you're not a reactionary, you just made a reactionary post. The people's moderation requires that I point that out.
then you'll be happy to hear China's training program ended last December,
utopians still obsessed with liberal notions of individual "freedom" would do nothing while international capital foments massive separatist violence, balkanizes the country, and put all of Xinjiang into exploitation by compradors who open it to markets— but the hands you're sitting on are sparkling clean, and isn't that more important?
Engels had it right in On Authority
"The top 1% control 30% of the wealth in China, but trust me guys, it's actually existing socialism. Jack Ma is gonna achieve communism by 2080. Trust me guys."
Yep, I'm the utopian.