you're welcome

  • lad [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    The fact literally anyone upvoted someone saying eminem is a "carefully marketed interpretation of black youth culture who is only popular because of his teen idol looks" is painful. One of the dumbest things I've ever read.

    He was tremendously popular with basically every single other rapper who came up at the same time as him and is universally considered to be one of the best by people universally considered to be some of the best. Why does half of leftist "analysis" consist of made up shit like this?

    You are allowed to dislike his music, bro - you dont need to make up some cringe fantasy to discredit a story about how an impoverished drug addicted white guy with no father found a family in the rap scene at a time where it was almost entirely black and wasnt easy to break into. Leave it to leftists to take a story about solidarity among those in poverty and turn it into some weird white guy bad type shit.