DC last night:
- https://twitter.com/loran076/status/1323907767887867904?s=19
- https://twitter.com/FranceNews24/status/1323917050369245185?s=19
- https://hexbear.net/post/47055
it's more likely in the next few days that the fash will take the streets, especially as trump announces how he will contest the election. after all, chaos is his best bet for getting the powers that be to allow him to retain power without a fight. so don't fucking tell people to stay home. it's absolutely critical that everyone pays attention to what's happening in their own backyards and steps up to engage in appropriate community defense.
the election is just a stage. stop confusing it with the conditions that compel people to act.
Why put your body on the line for liberals? America is an evil empire, let it burn and protect yourself and your comrades, don't waste a breath on the liberals.
Honestly you don't have to stand outside to defend your neighborhood. Most likely if the fascists see just a bunch of houses, unless they know that a bunch of antifascists live there they're going to keep on rolling past elsewhere in their trucks while hooting and hollering. Now that doesn't mean I don't think you shouldn't have contact with a self defense group if they do stop at someone's house or neighborhood. But just standing around does little, at most it tells the fascists where to find you and where to find the confrontation they're craving.
America is not Germany of the 1930s. There is no large communist movement. There is no reason to step up and go to war with the fascists and let the feds pin all the blame on the left. Let the fascists do stupid shit to liberals and get a state response. Why the fuck should communists allow the media to both sides the blame? Let them do ignorant shit and get an FBI gunship up their ass. Why would I want to get between two enemies of mine about to fight and let them both turn to fight me instead? Tactically ridiculous.
Something you people don't understand. Fascism arises out of material conditions. A bunch of fucking yahoos running around with guns and explosives shooting is not going to result in hard fascism arriving. It's going to result in the FBI murking their ass with military hardware and these fascists having to resort to more subtle insurgent terroristic attacks or go home. Plain and simple for you: Trump is not favored overwhelmingly by the American national bourgeoisie. They see Biden as equally or more palatable as he is stable and probably not so bad at imperialism. Given this they are not going to support any kind of in the streets fascist coup nor will US government institutions. The US military is going to sit on the sidelines and the cops and FBI are going to grab anyone who steps out of line with a strong preference for grabbing any anti-capitalists they can get their hands on. So don't be there. Leave them to either have to blatantly ignore the fascists and further deepen anger of the Democratic base at the enforcer class (and bring them closer to our side) or to engage with them.