My hard disk died last night after the fan stopped working, and now I guess I gotta get a new laptop. I don’t know anything about computers, so I need some help finding something that can run Minecraft decently for $400 or less.

Also, might it be cheaper to just get it repaired? Is that a thing?

  • merthyr1831 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Reminder to ppl discussing laptops:

    1. Buying new from a shop full of salesman is gonna get your ripped off.

    May make sense but for real, I've seen them try and sell my friend $100/year McAfee antivirus bullshit for a laptop. What made it hurt more was that the salesman claimed they used it themselves. On top of that they generally work to get you to spend more regardless of if that new laptop will be any better for your use cases. Avoid em.

    1. AMD Ryzen > Intel.

    AMD chips have absolutely MASSIVE advantages over Intel in laptops now. Its actually stupid that AMD's lowest Ryzen models are faster than Intel's top laptop processors. Intel is just a rip-off now.

    1. SSD > HDD > 32GB EMMC

    32GB isnt enough for anything beyond a mobile phone or a Nintendo Switch. You'll end up having to shell out for a fat SD card (which are also quite slow compared to other mediums) or another hard-drive.

    HDDs are okay but its almost always worth to get an SSD even if its half the capacity for the same price. They'll last longer, work faster (and make your old laptops feel new again) and are suited for laptop uses whereas you can damage hard disk drives by dropping them or moving them about over time.

    1. Second hand isn't so bad.

    The only real issue with second hand is the hard drive being used, but then again nowadays most drives are suited for literally 5+ years of use easily. SSDs are better again because they're less likely to get damaged if the old owner has been rough with their laptop.

    If you have a reseller or 2nd hand shop like we have in the UK from CEX ( that offer free warranties and stuff then you're best off going there.

    TLDR you can ignore this if u just wanna watch youtube