Are they purposely doing this bumbling moron shit as an op to make it look like libs are setting them up? I don't get it. Is this just what fascism looks like in an idiocracy? And if that's true, how are we losing to these people?
Are they purposely doing this bumbling moron shit as an op to make it look like libs are setting them up? I don't get it. Is this just what fascism looks like in an idiocracy? And if that's true, how are we losing to these people?
Chuds know nothing about the voting process. I was in a very long back and forth about mail in ballots with someone who insisted it was fraudulent but could not explain how someone could actually pull it off. They live in a complete fantasy world when Google is right at their fucking fingertips. So yes, I do believe these people could be that stupid. I’m not going to say the FBI wouldn’t take advantage of it, to justify their jobs. Six of one, half dozen of another.