Truly bizarre how they treat the Bernie voters as some weird other and not the overwhelming majority of the youth and Latino vote.
I was THERE! I KNOW! My fellow teachers in the rich ass Republican district I work in (who just elected a Q truther to the school board) voted like 87% Bernie. STFU you ghoul. Biden is probably gonna Choose some Gates foundation approved “union bad” fucker
Not those Teachers Unions.
Holds up Astroturfed organization championing privatization
These Teachers Unions.
“Screams into the void about neoliberalism hating special needs children “ :deeper-sadness:
I just had to drop the graphic showing Bernie with 30% of all teachers donations in the Dem primaries into the replies.... second most was 14%.
Here's the link to this cursed tweet btw
Lol that framing is just blatant disinformation and he doesn't even bother to defend it. I truly hate these people. This is why I can't look at Twitter
Wasn't the most common profession of Bernie donors teachers? I'm almost certain it was.
If they wanted to be taken seriously maybe they should've become administrators within the union!
yeah let's totally forget that Obama appointed Arne Duncan as ed sec, Mr "Teacher's Unions bad, privatization and charters good, go watch Waiting for Superman", and also had Rahm "Let's privatize chicago schools" Emmanuel as chief of staff
Mom can we have substantially left?
No, we have substantially left at home.
Substantially left: No unions but maybe we won't let some kids starve at most three days a week. And you get a tax credit for buying your own supplies. Oh, and let Zuckerberg decide what curriculum is relevant to today's world.
That Zuckerberg/Gates shit in education pushed my buttons more than anything entire districts have given them the keys to the entire district with their digital learning apps that track students on the web and it always ends in failure.
I mean, the logic of the OP is all scrambled in order to hit their talking point, but it’s not an exaggeration to say that the growing militancy of the rank and file in teachers unions will be more influential, on ed policy, than Bernie Sanders’ unsuccessful presidential campaigns.
As much as Sanders mobilized a segment of young people and workers, he didn’t build a political alternative, a free-standing organization, to preserve that mobilization. He fell in line with the Democratic Party, and endorsed the right wing of that party.
he didn’t build a political alternative, a free-standing organization, to preserve that mobilization
I don't know if that's true. There is more Leftist Media, Leftist Indie Activism, and Leftist Electioneering than at any time I've seen since Clinton.
It's not the rebirth of the IWW. But it's far more substantive and enduring than OWS was.
They are some weird other. Surely you don't think the two country clubs are just a vehicle for citizen power? That wouldn't be republican.
Libs playing pretend, let parts of labor still believe that their best bet is to work within the democratic party.
I don't want to sound insensitive, but like, where the fuck have the teachers unions been with corona? Maybe some did strike or threaten action like healthcare workers have and they just don't get press
I mean the teachers union in my city basically shut that back to school shit down asap
That's good. Situation really demanded national action though :/
Trump was a fluke, too.
I want to say 2022 will be a wake up call, but... you know...