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  • pilsken [he/him]
    5 years ago

    I really hope they are just a little petit-bougie delusional, not "lets sabotage an actual leftist community project"-delusional.

    But maybe somewhere in the process we should have lost the Chapo name. It's its own thing now.

    • notthenameiwant [he/him]
      5 years ago

      I guess we'll just have to play it by ear. They might try to do a spite takedown.

      • pilsken [he/him]
        5 years ago

        They never did anything against blackwolffeed and openly posting their patreon episodes. Will not liking the subreddit is not the same as them being some litigious assholes.

        Again, the only thing we might be asked to is change the name, which i wouldn't find completely ridiculous and perhaps even advantageous in the long run.