This guy took time out of his day to post how entitled all millennial accountants are for asking to be paid for overtime on r/UnionizeBig4, a pro-union subreddit. Then, after posting his drivel and getting banned, he posted the moderators ban message to him on r/Accounting and cried about it.

For some background the Big 4 firms (Deloitte, PwC, KPMG, and EY) are notorious for making their workers do 70-80 hour weeks for no overtime at a wage rate that often puts them under the minimum wage during the busiest parts of the year. You truly would have to be the lowest level of scumfuck to argue that these workers do not deserve overtime compensation for the crazy hours they often do. Oh and the partners at the firm regularly clear 500K-1 Mil per year for doing very little work btw.

It would really be a shame if people let him and the fucking orcs in the comments know what we think of scabs

  • KiaKaha [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I get that he’s shit, but that’s 52 days old, in unfriendly territory.

    You won’t make any headway in unionising by having us come in and start brigading. You’ll make headway by exposing grievances, talking with people individually, and building a power base.

    On the old sub, someone gave great advice. Give everyone a ranking from 1 to 5, and organise from there.

    1 are actively detracting from your efforts, like that guy is. They’re class traitors, and should be derided, mocked and ignored. Don’t give them information or let them set terms of engagement. 2 are unfriendly to your efforts. Maybe have someone who knows them talk to them, but otherwise steer clear. 3 are thoroughly apathetic and impartial. They can be won over and turned into 4s. 4 are the people friendly to your effort, your foot soldiers. Have them talk to the 3s to win them over. 5 are your key organisers, the ones you draft this out with.

    The entire thing is a battle for the 3s, and right now you’re losing them.

    You’ll want to create a space for them to vent, ideally one that doesn’t look like a union front. That gives you the chance to consciousness raise without having mods shut things down, or spooking the 3s.

    Good luck.