You probably know how Iceberg Charts work. Ten tiers will be used in mine, each representing a different layer of knowledge of the site, with the entries becoming more and more obscure as you go down, as you probably already know. You can suggest any post, event, or phenomenon related to the site to go into the iceberg in the replies, and you can throw in some that you made up at the very bottom.

  • AOC_Feet_Pics [he/him]
    4 years ago
    • "Closing the subreddit for a joke wasn't okay" copypasta -The time a chud actually posted hog
    • Chapo-to-fash pipeline
    • Virgil created Bad Faith Podcast in an attempt to create a new Chapo subreddit
    • AOC Futa
    • Volcel Police became the Volcel Vanguard
    • The Krassenstein Brothers AMA
    • Slave Owners deserve death/John Brown Posting
    • The paper that said we were: "anarcho-socialists"
    • "Chapo is The_Donald of the left"
    • There is only one real leftist
    • Ilhan Omar's daughter is a chapo poster
    • /r/chapotraphouse was an elaborate ad campaign for twitter
    • Joe Biden is actually a Sufi Scholar
    • Pete Buttigieg is a DNC homunculus
    • Pete Buttigieg kills dogs
    • Tpm Steyer and his Peloton
    • The DNC concocted the coronavirus to threaten Bernie
    • Obama threatened to drone strike Bernie's grandkids
    • "President Xi, send the missiles"
    • Chapo coined "Okay Boomer"
    • The anarchists are the most organized chapo clique
    • your favs are all ops/grifters/liberals
    • the entire site is a honeypot