I don't think gun control is good in america, but I'm glad that in my home country, buying/carrying guns is for the most part illegal.

  • Jorick [he/him]
    4 years ago

    If anything, countries like Switzerland, Finland and others prove guns don't necessarily mean high crime rates. The question shouldn't be about guns, but about who gets the guns, and the living conditions of these guys. Firstly, crime is linked directly to poverty. That's it, there's no way around it. If people are desperate, they're going to turn to crime or political/religious extremism. The fact anyone in the US, a country with wide ethnic, economic and religious divides; can literally walk into a store and buy a gun, or just go to these gun fairs for the matter of opsec, means what it means : you have a bunch of people who have literally nothing to lose, and are armed.

    As others said, mental health plays a huge role. You ALWAYS see stuff in the media or your feeds about mental health, but materially, what has changed in the last ... 50 years ? Absolutely nothing. On the same note, poverty has increased, which causes radicalization of pre-existing beliefs, or at least, makes people far more encline to use direct action, violent or not to achieve these goals. The same phenomenon turns a sucdem into a marxist, or a """libertarian""" into a neo-nazi, and while one is cool and good, the reality is that a good chunk of the conservative population would like to see us in jail, or worse. For those too poor to care about ideology, they often turn to substances to numb the pain and the problems away, often spiralling into debt, or getting involved into drug crimes.

    In short, you won't fix America's endemic gun violence without fixing literally EVERYTHING that has been caused by capitalism. And trust me, even if you try to remove the guns (lmao, gl with that), explosives are relatively easy to manufacture, and a sharp blade can still be extremely dangerous (see UK's stabbings rates). If people want to kill others, they'll do it, just make it so they don't have a reason to do so, materially-speaking; by improving their material conditions. Ironically, you can name a problem, and you can be fairly certain it could've be prevented, or massively alleviated if the bourgeoisie made concessions instead of going full mask-off; which means that they "created" us socialists. To finish, I think workers should, under no pretext, surrender arms and ammunition. No one can coup a government that is supported by an armed proletariat; and in the same vein, an US invasion of a country where every single man and woman has a gun would turn into a nightmare.

    • BurnerBoy [comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Yeah - you're right. In a way it's just my selfish belief that when someone has a knife, as a physically able person, I have a fighting chance to run the fuck away.