And why is it the business plot?

  • richietozier4 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    CIA trafficked crack or allowed it to be trafficked to justify a vicious crackdown on the black community in the form of the War on Drugs

    • Rodentsteak [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I think that's putting the cart before the horse. The CIA has plenty of motivation to engage in the narcotics trade, completely seperate from pure white supremacy. It is entirely plausible, and I believe more likely, that they just didn't care about the likely consequences to the affected American communities

      • boredymcbored [she/her]
        4 years ago

        He didn't say it was purely white supremacy but everything they did (setting up a profit driven carceral slave mainly in black areas) is 100% based in it. What better group to exploit than a group I'm used to exploiting?

      • anthm17 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        The opium wars show they knew exactly what they were doing IMO.

          • anthm17 [he/him]
            4 years ago

            US had some involvement, but the larger point is that the wars have been fought over pushing drugs like this.

            The war on drugs isn't bad because it opposes drug abuse in society, it's because of the strategy.

      • star_wraith [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Yeah the CIA had to raise funds off the books to finance all their terrorism, and if you're gonna make money that way might as well go all out with it.

  • cracksmoke2020 [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    That during every modern american "violent" protest (I.e. at the very least tear gas came out), WTO protests, occupy, latest round of BLM protests. There is a far larger effort than you can possibly imagine that brings in already legitimized community leaders to act as wreckers to slow down the pace of radicalization within the group.

    A bunch of the others are much less obvious, but the above is something that absolutely needs to continuously be emphasized.

      • cracksmoke2020 [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        I'm not even saying high level coordinated ops from the feds. It could really be as simple as the fire chief asking some random guy to do them a favor for some money.

    • marxisthayaca [he/him,they/them]M
      4 years ago

      I remember a post in /r/CTH where a “community” organizer took over a march and fucked up the route and all.

      • Rodentsteak [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I mean they might just be a dumbass. One of the people leading one of the biggest anti-racist marches here this year kept trying for ludicrously long and convoluted chants that nobody could repeat back. At least they seemed to be having fun.

        There's definitely some wreckers around though.

        • marxisthayaca [he/him,they/them]M
          4 years ago

          I’m not conveying how suspicious the OP described the apparent leaders.

          We also know that at least one “protest leader” in NYC worked with the police.

            • cracksmoke2020 [none/use name]
              4 years ago

              The dude was a rapper that toured with Macklemore back in the day as an opener. And now became a landlord/protest wrecker.

    • MaximumDestruction [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Cointelpro never ended? That's impossible, they promised they totally don't do that any more.

      • cracksmoke2020 [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Except it isn't even just cointelpro as in CIA professional infiltrators. It's literally just the local mayor, police and fire chief, ect. going up to community figures and asking them to fuck shit up but not let anyone know of their involvement. Usually these folks get paid.

    • BillyMays [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Did y’all watch woke? Starting the night Fed Wheeler came out and continuing for months after, there was a group of ops putting on a show for the crowd. It was painfully obvious they were feds and yet people still gave them their attention. Their goal I think was to tire out the protesters before the pigs came out of their stall. They would make the protesters scream Black Lives Matter for sometimes 5-10 minutes straight. Say dumb shit like Abracadbra . They never had any clear messaging and gave themselves the right to speak because they brought the speaker and microphone.

      • cracksmoke2020 [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        It can be both, like a "violent" thing further away from the main crowd can attract certain groups of people away from the main crowd. Ultimately everything is about divide and conquer.

  • anthm17 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    CIA distributed cocaine and/or crack in american cities.

    • Rodentsteak [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Sorry Posadas was wrong for one obvious reason. Any alien smart enough to save us from ourselves wouldn't want to.

    • Rodentsteak [he/him]
      4 years ago

      The actual conspiracy theory is that he killed himself.

      • blobjim [he/him]
        4 years ago

        well no, that's not what conspiracy theory means. But that would be the deranged non-conspiracy theory.

        • Rodentsteak [he/him]
          4 years ago

          For him to have killed himself with no intervention like 90 people had to fuck up, it basically requires a conspiracy.

      • BillyMays [he/him]
        4 years ago

        They’re in on it too. Why would they blow their own cover?

      • evilgiraffemonkey [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I honestly blame the democrats. They could’ve easily gotten brownie points by being outraged and say that it was a conspiracy, but instead they just bought the official story and buried it.

        Not just a failure of getting brownie points, but those dumbfucks had a notable friend of Epstein's speak at the convention, during a time when a ton of people are obsessed with pedophile elites. Absolutely sponge brained political tactics.

      • evilgiraffemonkey [he/him]
        4 years ago

        It was a gov't op to heighten post 9/11 paranoia. Recommend reading/listening to the following if you're interested:

  • Slurry [any]
    4 years ago

    Given the quantity of wacky theories, AND that they're orthogonal, one of them is likely true.

    The catch is, I can't tell you which one.

  • thelasthoxhaist [he/him]
    4 years ago

    that ex-president of mexico Salinas de gortari killed presidential candicate Colosio to keep the neoliberal faction in control of the PRI

      • thelasthoxhaist [he/him]
        4 years ago

        ok, so Luis Donaldo Colosio was a member of the PRI, during that time the PRI was the only political party in Mexico so getting the presidential candidacy basically mean that you would be the next president of the country, Colosia was a socdem in the PRI and he wanted to pass popular social reforms like giving the indigenous more representation and social justice, he wanted to make Mexico the social democracy it was during Lazaro Cardenas rule

        but the PRI was a big ten liberal party with socdems, social liberals and neoliberals, the neolibs were the ones rising in support after the economic crises and were led by Salinas and his clique, Salinas then was the president of Mexico and no one liked him, it was during his presidency that the ELZN rise up in chiapas and he passed the North American FTA that killed most of the medium-big companies in the country because they couldnt compete against the international USA ones.

        So a socdem was a big problem for a neolib, because he was gonna repeal all the neoliberal legislature and replace it with socdem reforms, so he arrange his murder in 94 so that no socdem would ever took power, eventually the PRI lost the 2000 presidential election to the conservative PAN and the PRI had to change from neolib to a normal liberal party so that it wouldnt just die, and thank to ex-president Calderon who was terrible the PRI would win another presidential election with Peña Nieto, and today president AMLO is a socdem but not like Colosio was

        • richie_rich [they/them]
          4 years ago

          Wow. I've never thought of it like this. Would Colosio be able to actually revert NAFTA?

          • thelasthoxhaist [he/him]
            4 years ago

            maybe not reverted, but he would have probably help the medium-big companies in the country with some form of tax or subsidy, the National Bourgeoisie of Mexico (TELMEX, BIMBO, TELEVISA, CEMEX, etc.) would have been on his side since the US international companies did threaten them for like a decade until they were able to establelize themself, so they would have let Colosio have some Socdem reforms, its hard to tell what exactly would have happen with the TLC but, whats for sure is that Colosio would have been better than Zedillo who was a Salinas puppet

        • Rodentsteak [he/him]
          4 years ago

          What evidence is there that he ordered the murder? Any testimony? Clues?

          • thelasthoxhaist [he/him]
            4 years ago

            this , but basically Colosio was groomed to be Salinas succesor by him (which was normal since they were both liberals), the problem happen when Colosio wanted to fired Ernesto Zedillo (who was a salinas puppet) from his proposed cabinet, killing any influence Salinas had in his cabinet,

            Also Colosio wanted to work with Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas son of socialist president Lazaro Cardenas, and leader and founder of the PRD a leftist party at the time, who Salinas hated with all his soul, so Colosio betrayed Salinas the moment the won the candidacy, plus his killer was the sole mastermind according to the police that Salinas controled back then, Colosio being killed by Salinas its not something hard to believe in Mexico, Salinas stoled tax money and founded a company with it, he started the mini-civil war in chiapas with the ELZN and sold the country to american interests, him killing an opponent its not out of character for him

            if you want to learn more about the assasination, the netflix documental Historia de un crimen: Colosio is good i heard, idk if its in US netflix tho

      • thelasthoxhaist [he/him]
        4 years ago

        he, his brother and a friend shot the daughter of their maid with an air rifle, Salinas shot her on the head and it was national news for like a week but it was blackout during his political career

  • qublics [they/them,she/her]
    4 years ago

    Liberal psychiatry exists as an apparatus of social exclusion.

    By pathologising psychic injury, discontent, queerness, neurodiversity (even aging and physical disability via ableism), the masses are discouraged from listening to or associating with those most marginalized under capitalism.
    Its end result is that these people mostly die alone and isolated, such that their misery does not form the basis of widespread anger and opposition against the capitalist system.

    In addition, by means of social stigma (perpetuated by liberal psychiatry itself ), ordinary people are made to collaborate in their own oppression, by choosing silence about their suffering.
    In this way there is a massive scale concealment of the misery produced by the capitalist state.

    But most cringe of all is when people who have psychic injuries are open about it, when they express creativity, talk honestly, or gather into happy healthy supportive communities; these safe spaces it seems must be destroyed at all costs.
    More so those expressing their misery, insight, diversity, let alone health and happiness openly must be bullied off the internet.

    It is within liberal culture that we find precisely this nightmare combination: an insistence on positivity, and a deference to psychiatry such that even voices of patient advocacy organizations, the people most intimately knowledgeable about their own condition are silenced.
    In addition to this, within more conservative cultures, psychological care itself is also stigmatized; this creates a wonderful situation where attacking liberal psychiatry and its evils is misconstrued as denying suffering/care or denying efficacy of specific treatments.

    Like all oppressive ideologies and propaganda, liberal psychiatry contains just enough a grain of truth, and contribution to charity, that people can believe in its functional claims: that of justifying social exclusion, and denying bodily sovereignty.
    Liberal psychiatry is in this sense much like an organized religion: it justifies itself via a bag of tricks upon the mind. How can it be wrong if it makes people feel better?

    The supposedly mentally ill need to be avoided until they heal, as if they have some contagion, as if they are violent against anyone besides their oppressors.
    Need people remember the history of psychiatric violence, with asylums, conversion therapies, internment without trial, experimentation, systematic defamation of those making abuse accusations; the discontents, much like anarchists or protestors, are violent and dangerous people.

    What exactly is it that the liberal establishment turns against protestors, even against black people, and uppity women, if not the accusation of being mentally unwell? Can we only recognize a weapon when it it turned against ourselves?

    And by all these means there is a rolling release extermination, via destitution, homelessness, withheld healthcare, distributed violence, and outright eugenics; and through stigma this exists detached from society at large.
    What better time than a pandemic to throw marginalized people into the streets:

    Why, if ordinary people are so healthy and so prosperous, are they unable to bare the complaints of those suffering?
    It is because, in large part: everyone suffers, as liberals are so willing to say in silencing, but so unable to admit as resulting from exploitation, extermination, and their own internalized oppression.

    The first step in committing abuse is always isolation of its victim.

    What else can systemic exclusion produce but erasure in such times?


    • qublics [they/them,she/her]
      4 years ago

      I feel like I got somewhat off track from my most important point: it is a rolling release extermination.
      The whole point is to kill (and incarcerate) these discontents, so they cannot organize into resistance.

      If you sum up the number of people that die in destitution, or that are suffering in social isolation, you have an army.

      Liberal psychiatry functions to tell these people individually first: no, no, you're not oppressed, you're just sick!
      And second: don't listen to them, they're certifiably crazy!

  • ultraviolet [she/her]
    4 years ago

    The moon landings were faked because the moon doesn't exist.

  • theother2020 [comrade/them, she/her]
    4 years ago

    The Boston Marathon bombing. I really went down the rabbit hole on that one and I still can’t shake it. The cowboy hat guy ( Carlos Arredondo ) who wheeled out Jeff Bauman had set himself on fire after losing his his son in Iraq - and was at the marathon that day handing out American flags. You used to be able to review time stamped photos of the triage area and lots of things seem off about it. I could go on but it creeps me out.

      • theother2020 [comrade/them, she/her]
        4 years ago

        From the photos, the triage area seems staged. Arredondo (who looks like he’s from central casting), can be seen standing/waiting by (big cowboy hat and flags in hand) over several minutes as if for a cue. Other victims without visible injuries were prioritized and given available stretchers while Bauman with missing legs was taken last and in a wheelchair.

        The photos are high-quality and very clear and time stamped every few seconds. I think they were captured by a nearby bank security system. It’s been a while since I looked at them at some conspiracy site - not sure if they’re still around.