Like, I see this very frequently here. People are making some really nasty "jokes" and endlessly complaining about white women and white girls etc, and it's just so obvious so much of the time that the "white" thing is just a facade to hide the sexism. Like seriously, when you make jokes about how girls fuck dogs or whatever, but you specify WHITE girls, it's still garbage incel humour. It's always white women this, white women that. Like, why do you feel such a pressing need to specify they're women? At times like this it just shows how male this sub is. And not just male, but also very white, which makes it even cringier when people do le epic white women thing.

  • Pezevenk [he/him]
    4 years ago

    There are times when gender is extremely relevant–like for example, when that white woman walking her dog called the police on the black man birdwatching and changed her tone on the phone to sound breathless and scared.

    I mean yeah, but that's something very specific. It's a more general tendency some users here have which is very annoying.

    but jokes like the dog-fucking one . . . what exactly is the point being made with that?

    I honestly don't know and it actually gave me pause because it was super weird to see it here, and with 30+ upvotes. Maybe some of the people upvoting it didn't realize what it was saying?

    • TillieNeuen [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Yeah, I included the first part not so much as a response to you so much as an attempt to head off anyone wanting to go OH NOW WE CAN'T CRITICIZE WHITE WOMEN BECAUSE IT HURTS YOUR WITTLE FEEWINGS??? CAN'T YOU TAKE A JOKE????!!!!!

      The internet has made me careful.