• Circra [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Mate of mine went to the US and went to this diner. He got a hotdog with mustard but of course he was used to English mustard which, you know, actually tastes of something. He asked if they had anything stronger mustard wise and the waitress apparently bought out this bottle of mustard, warning him it was strong and treating it like it was a nuke or something. Apparently it was mustard flavoured but still pretty mild.

    Yeah anyway I dont think its a white people thing. I just think ethnic minorities in the US are a bit more shielded from how bland and crap US cuisine often is cos they've got some heratige involving food and actual flavour and taste cos food is often a really important part of cultural identity. Damn near every US recipie I have tried I have at least doubled the spices/herbs reqd.

    If it was a white people thing you wouldnt have pissed up white idiots over here ordering curry that'd basically gristle cooked in chilli peppers so that they can show off.