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  • grilledSoldier [he/him]
    5 years ago


    Our left wing is the spd ("left", neolibs that pose as socdems), green party (good on things like lgbt+ rights, otherwise green capitalism) & die linke (the real left party, quite good, but not always united and a bit .. stuck in old times?)

    Spd are in free fall, as people hate them being neolibs, greens are rising quite fast and die linke is relatively stagnant.(edit: rising a bit on country level)

    [Edit: last countrywide elections (2017) spd 20,5% | greens 8,9% | die linke 9,2%]

    If you are interested in more info about the german political landscape, just comment on this :D

    • star_wraith [he/him]
      5 years ago

      Spd are in free fall, as people hate them being neolibs

      I feel this is very much becoming a global phenomenon. I know this isn't exactly a hot take here, but I believe neoliberalism is living on borrowed time across the world. Which could work in the left's favor, but certainly could also bring about fascism. Hard to say which way things go.

      • CoralMarks [he/him]
        5 years ago

        Always has been.

        I have to say I’m at times a bit of a doomer when it comes to Europe. I’m pretty sure when climate shit starts really hitting the fan, Europe will turn fascist, if class consciousness in many countries isn’t significantly raised until then.

    • CoralMarks [he/him]
      5 years ago

      Just wanted to say fuck the SPD. lol

      But honestly though, some small things that come to mind: I hope that the BaWü Greens don’t take over the party, although their bourgeoise anyways so why do I care?

      My gripe with Die Linke: too many who seem not to be capable of separating today’s Russia from the Soviet Union. So they take unnecessary heat for defending Russia when it is completely unjustified to even do so today.

        • CoralMarks [he/him]
          5 years ago

          Good point, like I don't understand it, it should not be this hard to have a unified front throughout European left parties on basic issues, like overthrowing capitalism, establishing a socialist society and beginning the transition towards communism.

          Any leftist should be able to agree to those terms. God damn infighting bullshit.

          • grilledSoldier [he/him]
            5 years ago

            I mean, it isnt called "die internationale" just for laughs, not sure why thats so hard to understand for some.

      • grilledSoldier [he/him]
        5 years ago

        Yeah, thats what i meant with "stuck in old times". They really need some updates (also regarding for example coal workers imo and some more).

        • CoralMarks [he/him]
          5 years ago

          I don’t have a problem with defending what was achieved during the GDRs and Soviet Unions history, but if one wants to do that, they need to make it abundantly clear that there is absolutely nothing to defend about todays Russia(except its people obviously).

          Good point about coal, when I was a lib I would’ve said "Just learn to code". But that obviously doesn’t work, so it’s a bit of a hard one. But I bet you could definitely argue for larger investment by impacted areas like rebuilding infrastructure to try and somehow keep good paying jobs.

          While at the same time you need to hammer, in every interview you can get, how the underlying system is the problem. If you think for a moment you can probably tie every problem back to capitalism, but in a way that isn’t conspiracy like the elites control us and shit.

          This has gotten a bit longer than intended, sorry.

          • grilledSoldier [he/him]
            5 years ago

            Exactly, some of them seem to not realize how much russia has changed and uncritically support modern russia a lot.

            Yeah, there needs to be a lot of programs to be able to change the areas that were based on montanindustrie and heavy Industries, especially the ruhrgebiet. I think that would deserve a post on its own. But just supporting montanindustrie to support the workers is just .. well, outdated.

            Yeah, the majority of problems present can be tied to capitalism and, imo, its correct to base it on capitalism in most of these cases.

            No worries, was a good read 👍

    • CoralMarks [he/him]
      5 years ago

      Another tidbit on German discourse: A leader(Kühnert) of the youth organisation(their not as bad as the party itself) of the SPD gets basically lynched in the media over weeks because he explained on a talkshow how the German constitution reserves the state the right, if it sees necessary, to nationalize industry.
      How dare he suggest such a cardinal sin!

      Sidenote: Our constitution also says "Eigentum verpflichtet" which roughly translates to "property comes with obligation and responsibility". Of course you will understand that this passage is only treated like decor.

      • CoralMarks [he/him]
        5 years ago

        Bit of historical context, in the 1998 elections the SPD was still able to pull 40%.
        That administration really jumpstarted their neolib turn. You can maybe notice why they’re not that popular anymore.

      • grilledSoldier [he/him]
        5 years ago

        33% cdu/csu (depending on wing neolib centrist to fash adjacent) [dropping slowly] 13% afd (extreme right wing populism, fash as hell) [were rising, maybe not anymore, because they were bullshitting alot in regards to covid] 11% fdp (neolib on steroids) [not sure about them, they were dropping a lot, now they are a one man show and have solid results]

      • grilledSoldier [he/him]
        5 years ago

        I think a lot of european countries have a quite similar political landscape, not sure tho..