Try paying attention to how a president actually governs and how they've affected material conditions. If you look at it that way, Trump is at worst the level of Obama (who started 5 new wars), and several orders of magnitude less bad than W or Bill Clinton. Remember, Lincoln project wants to invade Iran/Vz/Russia. Fuck those war criminals

  • asaharyev [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Not to mention that along with maintaining the hawkish foreign policy of Obama, Trump has attempted a coup in Venezuela and his administration backed a successful coup in Bolivia. Even considering foreign policy, Trump is just as bad as Obama and Clinton.

    But he also has greatly accelerated the expansion of the police state, has expanded and further militarized enforcement of immigration policy, which has led to more (and crueler) deportations.

    Not to mention the current Coronavirus situation, which has killed tens of thousands of people more than if someone like Obama was in charge.

    I'm not going to tell you to vote for Biden, because that's just a slower march toward fascism, but Trump has actually led to a materially worse outcome than Obama. I don't know that Clinton would have been better than Trump on foreign policy (likely worse), and I know Biden won't be. Both would likely be a slight improvement domestically, but only very slightly. Except for maybe Coronavirus, where there may have been more sane policies put in place, or at least more sane statements regarding the science around the spread of the virus.