Lol Soros is "chaotic" because a bunch of fascist morons have weird anti-Semitic blood libel beliefs about him, amazing
Yeah, wasn't that like one of the things libs most liked to attack Trump with? He's not a real billionaire.
They're all aligned you fucking idiots. Somebody remake this but all labelled evil.
The antivax COVID deniers see him as the Antichrist now. I wonder who they hate more- Soros or Gates?
So good-evil is the dem-gop axis and lawful-evil is the wholesomeness axis?
This is the full range of sensory cognition Neolibs possess.
The world needs more gatesposting like this when most libs, even the more sane ones that at least can see how some billionaires like Bezos are somewhat bad, genuinely see Bill Gates as "lawfully good".
Mr Lawful Good nearly had his company ripped apart for massive anti-trust violations (and forgetting to pay their bribes)
POV : you're tasked to say who's heading on a trip to the most relote gulag possible.
He is literally Satan.
There's something very seriously wrong with neoliberals' brains.