I shot myself in the hand with a pellet gun once. It fuckin hurt, I had to go to urgent care to get it pulled out and had to wear some real cumbersome bandages for a week. Thankfully there was no permanent damage, but I keep the pellet they pulled out of me in a little plastic jar on my desk as a reminder to myself on not to do stupid shit again.
Of course, my regrettable choices in life have never resulted in genocide, so I don't know what Grandpa Nazi's problem there is, other than the obvious
I shot myself in the hand with a pellet gun once. It fuckin hurt, I had to go to urgent care to get it pulled out and had to wear some real cumbersome bandages for a week. Thankfully there was no permanent damage, but I keep the pellet they pulled out of me in a little plastic jar on my desk as a reminder to myself on not to do stupid shit again.
Of course, my regrettable choices in life have never resulted in genocide, so I don't know what Grandpa Nazi's problem there is, other than the obvious