I've watched hours and hours of his talks, and found some of what he says to be useful or interesting. But what is he really saying?

  1. Most is barely intelligible, with tangents upon tangents of weird psychoanalytical jargon.
  2. The jokes function to disarm and disorient anti-communist talking points.
  3. The core message seems to usually be "idpol bad" (which is true, at least for the liberal variants), but nothing much more interesting.


SUBTEXT: Ex-Yugoslav lib reformer now supports COMMUNISM*! If he can, so can you!

* by which he always specifies "the big problems are not solvable by capitalism" and distances all other associations

  • elguwopismo [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I mean tbh you're gonna need to understand some psychoanalytic jargon to get some points of his. If you want to learn that stuff, and not get bogged down in a quagmire of Zizekian tengentiality: I'd recommend reading some Todd McGowan (or especially listening to his Why Theory podcast), Mari Ruti, or Alenka Zupancic(who I think is the most genuinely Marxist of the batch). Honestly the Lacanian shit is super interesting and I think everyone should understand it a bit, especially when there's so much you can tie back into Dialectical Materialism. Once I could start drawing lines between Hegel, Marx, Freud, and Lacan (which are actually quite intuitive), I think it helped deepen my understanding of them as really pivotal figures, and all that has helped create a more cohesive understanding of the intertwined disciplines and movements which have emanated from or responded to their bodies of work. I don't even know how I'd interpret some people differently if I hadn't sorta stumbled into the Lacanian stuff early on: I think especially Althusser and Deleuze.

    I would also really recommend the podcast Red Library, they were there the reason I turned away from being overly skeptical about Lacanians. I definitely had pretty much the same opinion as you, I get thinking Zizek is a bit of a spectacle and grift. No doubt the dude pumps out reactionary hot takes. Yet I'd definitely recommend still exploring the niche to which he belongs