For example my goal is to reach 165 pounds and run 2 miles in 11:30! I’m currently down 20 pounds (180) and I’m running 2 miles in 13 minutes. So ik I’m making progress towards a goal :D

    • quartz242 [she/her]
      4 年前

      I am fortunate enough to live in an apartment with a fitness center that doesnt seem to be used so I go there about 5 times a week, alternate upper body and lower body compound lifts and accessory exercises. I do 3 sets: 15 rep, 12 rep, 10 rep. Usually push the weights on the sets once a week

      • LessNephrons1 [he/him]
        4 年前

        Sounds like you have a plan! Stick with it and let us know how your gains grow