• adultswim_antifa [he/him]
      5 years ago

      "Soviet" means council. Councils were meant to be like little federations of unionized workers with militias that could organize large sit down strikes and protect workers from police, as well as plan production for need in order to prevent shortages and keep the workers and general populace satisfied and striking. If this goes on long enough, you're basically doing a socialism and supplanting the state, the militias become the police and the police become rebels, the means of production are under proletarian control and the bourgeoisie want to seize them from us, which is obviously illegal.

        • adultswim_antifa [he/him]
          5 years ago

          Anarcho syndicalists think you build a big union, do a general strike, and bam, capitalism btfo, socialism. Council communists think the revolution will be a long struggle that will educate us and generate the organizations (and membership) needed to overthrow capitalism and do socialism. Council communists think class consciousness will be produced by proletarian struggle, which will inevitably occur because capitalism sucks.
