• Bedandsofa [he/him]
      4 years ago

      So you disagree with Marx that communists should “point out and bring to the front the common interests of the entire proletariat, independently of all nationality?” It’s like a basic principle of proletarian internationalism.

      America is currently the strongest capitalist nation, although as you point out and as evidenced by the military failures, US imperialism has been on the decline in relative strength as the US loses ground economically. The vacuum from that relative decline is taken up by other imperialist powers, and capitalism marches on on the backs of the international working class.

        • Bedandsofa [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Nice rant, you managed to be completely non-responsive.

          So, again, you disagree with Marx on the basic principle of proletarian internationalism? Because all I posted was a quote from the communist manifesto and your brain spewed out all that nonsense about “supreme evil” (talk about making your politics religious).

          I don’t support the Democratic Party, period, including AOC or Sanders. I don’t support US imperialism. I stand in solidarity with the working class in China, as I do with the rest of the international working class.

          Based on that internationalism, I don’t support the betrayal of the Chinese revolution, throwing away the gains of that revolution, and the reinstatement of the rule of the bourgeoisie in China. You can talk all you want about how America is the greater “evil,” but it doesn’t change that analysis.

            • Bedandsofa [he/him]
              4 years ago

              Lol, such cringe LARPing bullshit. What org are you in?

                • Bedandsofa [he/him]
                  4 years ago

                  Lol okay. Perfect English by the way, but I’m sure your country yearns for freedom.

                  Which country? I probably have comrades there.

                    • Bedandsofa [he/him]
                      4 years ago

                      Really solid analysis to conflate working class with ruling class. I’m a black American working class person, none of this shit is “mine.” It’s not my government, not my wealth, not imperialism for my benefit.

                      You clearly went to some American school in Chile or something and your dad probably owns a factory, but yea go off.

                            • Bedandsofa [he/him]
                              4 years ago

                              And by virtue of all that plundering, which working class people have no say in, and by your own logic, American workers and poor have quite a bit to gain by taking ownership and control of the productive forces.

                              You go ahead and reject working class internationalism and see where that gets you. Go on a walking tour of East Saint Louis and explain to the people you meet how they benefit from the spoils of imperialism.

                                • Bedandsofa [he/him]
                                  4 years ago

                                  I really do insist you take your Private school education and go on a walking tour of East Saint Louis and explain to people how they benefit from the spoils of imperialism and are warmongering fascists.

                                    • Bedandsofa [he/him]
                                      4 years ago

                                      Its funny how you’re writing all of this shit as a roundabout way of defending the reinstatement of capitalism in China.

                                      Yea, I oppose imperialism, and moreover oppose capitalism, the logic and rules of which create imperialism. You’re not going to get rid of imperialism without getting rid of capitalism, and you’re probably not going to get rid of world capitalism without the working class in the USA taking power. Hate to break it to you.

                                        • Bedandsofa [he/him]
                                          4 years ago

                                          Again, it’s not my regime and not my government. I make no apologies for them and they should be overthrown along with the entirety of the US ruling class.

                                          You’re not from China, so why are you so invested in apologizing for the Chinese bourgeoisie?

                                            • Bedandsofa [he/him]
                                              4 years ago

                                              Again none of this is "mine," I'm a working class person and I'm only in the US because my ancestors were slaves. I have a considerably negative net worth. And again, I'm a marxist, and actively work to overthrow the ruling class you're describing.

                                              But let's look at your concrete advice on strategy--"go to washington and riot until the regime comes down." That's stupid and not actually a strategy. "Explain to people why imperialism is bad." Again, stupid, idealist, and not a strategy.

                                              You do nothing besides post, guaranteed. But keep ranting. You're not going to convince me to stan the capitalist class in China or anywhere else, but if it makes you feel better about attending the Milton Friedman school of Viceroy-ism in Valparaiso, by all means continue.

                                              • skollontai [any]
                                                4 years ago

                                                Lol, you fought the good fight, comrade. This guy just really stans Jack Ma, and believes the entire American left is Bernie Sanders. Nothing that can be done to convince them of... anything.